
Showing posts from August, 2010

r - Cannot run xmlParse() -

i trying read xml file using function xmlparse() on rstudio . have installed , loaded (globally) packages required this, namely xml , methods . here code: setwd("~/desktop/r ") xmlparse(file = "input.xml") i set directory file input.xml located. information in file looks this: <records> <employee> <id>1</id> <name>rick</name> <salary>623.3</salary> <startdate>1/1/2012</startdate> <dept>it</dept> </employee> <employee> <id>2</id> <name>dan</name> <salary>515.2</salary> <startdate>9/23/2013</startdate> <dept>operations</dept> </employee> <employee> <id>3</id> <name>michelle</name> <salary>611</salary> <startdate>11/15/2014</startdate> <dept>it</dept> </employee> &

angular - Find if element contains element with id -

how can find if element contains element specified id? <div class="menu"> <div id="signin">sign in</div> </div> i'm checking query length here thought there might better way: it('main menu has signin link if not signed in', () => { fixture.detectchanges(); let links = menuelemdebug.queryall(by.css('#signin-button')); expect(links.length).tobe(1); }) try simple css selection like: let links = menuelemdebug.queryall(by.css('.menu> #signin')); but if going after element id, guess uniquely identified.

jquery - Knockout with DataTables on HTML Table -

i have html table works fine without datatables. however, want implement datatables can use filtering/search functionality , add/remove columns. how working knockout? var viewmodel = function() { $('#mytable').datatable({ ajax: { url: this.taskrecords() } }); this.taskrecords = ko.observablearray([ { entitycode: "name", entityname: "name desc23", tagname: "l1", tasklist: [ { taskname: "taskabc", taskrecordlist: [ { statusflagname: "ok" }, { statusflagname: "test" } ] }, { taskname: "taskdef", taskrecordlist: [ { statusflagname: "error" } ] } ] } ]); }; ko.applybindings(new viewmodel()); <script src=""

c# - Data annotations on EF entities suddenly stopped working -

i've inherited web application , data annotations used define relationships between entities stopped working. i have tried various things , can't figure out why hoping here can point issue out. the application uses sqlite database, , contains 3 (3) basic tables: order order_entry order_client the entity order looks this: [table("order")] public class order { [column("id")] public int id { get; set; } public virtual icollection<orderentry> orderentries { get; set; } [foreignkey("id")] public virtual orderclient orderclients { get; set; } public order() { orderentries = new hashset<orderentry>(); } } nothing fancy. single order can contain many entries, single order can have single client. the entity code order_entry looks this: [table("order_entry")] public class orderentry { [column("id")] public int id { get; set; } [column("order

javascript - getting a html element in a empty div via Jquery or knockout js -

i have 3 buttons on click should add different container empty div outside <button id="a" data-bind="clickme" value="1">a</button> <div id="empty1"> <button id="b" data-bind="clickme" value="2">b</button> <div id="empty2"> <button id="c" data-bind="clickme" value="3">c</button> <div id="empty3"> <!-- container below should replace empty div --> <div class="container" id="big_container" data-bind="visible : opencontainer"> <p> hello world !</p> </div> all buttons can connected via 1 knockout js data bind click me , has value , id. what lets button clicked, should display container on empty1 , if button 2 clicked should display big container on empty2. container hidden databind show when button clicked. here knockout js function using se

swift - Alamofire can't get request with php -

i have got swift 4 code let par: parameters = [ "usn":"murad", "password":"monkey" ] alamofire.request("",method: .post,parameters:par,encoding: urlencoding.httpbody).response { response in if let data =, let utf8text = string(data: data, encoding: .utf8) { print("data: \(utf8text)") } } and php code print_r($_post); now supposed code print array( "usn":"murad", "password":"monkey", ) but instead prints array ( [(componenttuple_0)] => (componenttuple.1) ) try code let par: parameters = [ "usn":"murad", "password":"monkey" ] alamofire.request("", method: .post, parameters: p

Getting the position of eyelids in C++ using OpenCV -

i've been puzzling problem while now. can track pupil , iris need determine if eyelid covers (and how much) iris or not. i've tried thresholding because eyelashes vary person person , location of iris might not centered can't accurate reading. canny edge detection can bit messy because lot of edges interrupt (i.e. going , down pupils center until edge found) desired result. pictures: original: need find (pupil , iris found) --> (yellow line)

javascript - How to move div to for next several divs? -

i have 1 div inside div. <div id="radnja"> <div id="movethat"></div> </div> <div id="radnja"> </div> <div id="radnja"> </div> <div id="radnja"> </div> <div id="radnja"> </div> <div id="radnja"> </div> <div id="radnja"> </div> <div id="radnja"> </div> <div id="radnja"> </div> i want move div 'movethat' next div. want several times depending on how random number in h1 is. <div id="kocka"> <h1>0</h1> </div> <div id="baci"> <h2>baci kocku</h2> </div> h1 random number. jquery. $(document).ready(function() { $("#baci").click(function() { var rand = math.ceil(math.random()*6); $("#kocka h1").text(rand); }); }); help please :)

php - curl: (35) OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to -

i'm hitting curl on ubuntu terminal , getting response curl: (35) openssl ssl_connect: ssl_error_syscall in connection . can't understand why happens. tried show curl's error number did not revert no. hitting server. below command : ./curl -i --tlsv1.2 -kv -h "content-type: application/xml" --verbose -x post --data /var/www/html/xml.xml --cacert /root/curl_ssl/curl-7.54.1/src/cert_org.crt please suggest help.

web services - Timeout error when connecting to a particular webservice API from corporate network using R -

i trying connect webservices corporate network , facing problems. i using following set of statements library(httr) swapiurl<-" " alderaan <- get(swapiurl) error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : couldn't connect server i above error message. i enabled proxy settings below sys.setenv(http_proxy="") and again run above command , works alderaan <- get(swapiurl) alderaan$status_code [1] 200 however, when try connect using proxy settings commercial product company purchased, not able connect , getting timeout error. entraderurl<-" " auth<-get(entraderurl,authenticate("username","password"),timeout(60)) error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : ti

react native - How to avoid a whole Text component move to the next line in flexWrap: 'wrap' -

let's take example. have 2 text components below: <view style={{flexwrap: 'wrap'}}> <text>12345</text> <text>67890</text> </view> my expected result : (the second text component splitted out , moved next line) 12345678 90 the actual result : (the whole second text component move next line when line not have enough width putting whole text component.) 12345 67890 for purpose, how can change code? lot !! react native supports nested text componentss, meaning can reference different strings in order result in you've desired. im not tooo sure why doing though :p sample code below. note using flexwrap not required. <view style = {{width: 50, backgroundcolor: '#e0e0e0'}}> <text>1234578 <text>9123456</text> </text> </view> with output of below... hope helps! edit #1: possible solution? <view style = {{width: 50, backgroundcolor:

How to select a section of a string from 2 specific points when you cannot use IndexOf in Java -

i'm writing program school project make array , synonyms text file we've been given creating object called word stores word , synonym , making class called wordarray . wordarray takes words , synonyms text file , stores them in array word objects. then have method called search() parameter used find either words partially match parameter. for example: if parameter rep, method return words repressed , represent), or 1 word same parameter. if there multiple words match parameter, method include number (starting @ 1) , place before word. now need have code in main class takes wordarray (a) , performs search() method based on string user inputs. i show user words have been found based on input. if there 1 word returned, stores word string, if there more; ask user input number corresponds number included before word in list of strings . my problem is , want store word in word string, , last line of code shows have done far. in format: word = list.substrin

responsive design - How do I make CSS grid fill window height? -

what best (simplest/most efficient) way make css grid fill height of window @ size without using overflow: hidden or similar? thanks! to achieve want do, use viewport units . these based on viewport size (the size of browser window). 1vh = 1% of viewport height 1vw = 1% of viewport width so, scale element wide/high viewport, use: 100vh / 100vw . in case 100vh .

centos - bacula-dir failed at start -

i want install/config backup-server useing bacula. i've installed , configured of bacula tutorial now tried start bacular director (bacula-dir) nothing happens. in debug-mode (bacula-dir -d 200) following output. bacula-dir: dird.c:223-0 debug level = 200 bacula-dir: jcr.c:140-0 read_last_jobs seek 192 bacula-dir: jcr.c:147-0 read num_items=0 bacula-dir: dir_plugins.c:160-0 load dir plugins bacula-dir: dir_plugins.c:162-0 no dir plugin dir! bacula-dir: mysql.c:709-0 db_init_database first time bacula-dir: mysql.c:177-0 mysql_init done bacula-dir: mysql.c:202-0 mysql_real_connect done bacula-dir: mysql.c:204-0 db_user=bacula db_name=bacula db_password=password bacula-dir: mysql.c:227-0 opendb ref=1 connected=1 db=7fe692baa560 bacula-dir: sql_create.c:357-0 in create mediatype bacula-dir: sql_create.c:361-0 selectmediatype: select mediatypeid,mediatype mediatype mediatype='file' bacula-dir: mysql.c:249-0 closedb ref=0 connected=1 db=7fe692baa560 bacula-dir: mysql.c:

groovy - Sonar Issues/search API JSON result has single quotes -

i'm using sonarqube 6.4 web api list of issues http:// sonar-server :9000/api/issues/search?componentkeys= project_key &sinceleakperiod=true&statuses=open,reopened&types=bug this gives me json object has single quotes, ..."message":"make function anonymous removing name: 'function() {...}' ."... because of highlighted content in json i'm unable process json groovy. is json returned sonar valid ? if so, there way process kind of json in groovy. let me know if full json object needed. according , json response valid. single quotes , brackets {} must not escaped. issue comes groovy parser.

gradle - error: package does not exist -

i'm new android. when want import project android studio complain error : error package not exist here code : public class catalogactivity extends appcompatactivity { @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_catalog); // setup fab open editoractivity floatingactionbutton fab = (floatingactionbutton) findviewbyid(; fab.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view view) { intent intent = new intent(catalogactivity.this, editoractivity.class); startactivity(intent); } }); } } and build.gradle: apply plugin: '' android { compilesdkversion 25 buildtoolsversion "25.0.2" defaultconfig { applicationid "" minsdkversion 16 targetsdkversion 23 versioncode 1 versionname "1.0" }

c# - Websocket server on Azure -

i'm trying host websockets server on azure. i'm bit confused , hoping me. i've followed many articles code close 1 article : public void processrequest(httpcontext context) { if (context.iswebsocketrequest) { context.acceptwebsocketrequest(processws); } } public bool isreusable { { return false; } } private async task processws(aspnetwebsocketcontext context) { try { websocket socket = context.websocket; while (true) { var url = context.requesturi; arraysegment<byte> buffer = new arraysegment<byte>(new byte[1024]); websocketreceiveresult result = await socket.receiveasync(buffer, cancellationtoken.none); if (socket.state == { string usermessage = encoding.utf8.getstring(buffer.array, 0, result.count)

deep linking - Android intent filter with pathPattern matches in assistant but not work -

i'm trying make 1 app link open our app instead browser. the app links assistant tells me pattern works fine when try on emulator or physical device doesn't work :( filter: <activity android:name=".activities.applinksactivity"> <intent-filter android:autoverify="true"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.view" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.default" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.browsable" /> <data android:scheme="http" android:host="" android:pathpattern="/.*-cursos-.*.htm" /> </intent-filter> </activity> url match: assistant message: assistant image pic

javascript - i just want to print the first value(name) from the array -

in below code trying print out first value (name) of array, doesn't work expect: function person (name, age) { = name; this.age = age; }// our person constructor // can make array of people var family = new array(); family[0] = new person("alice", 40); family[1] = new person("bob", 42); family[2] = new person("michelle", 8); family[3] = new person("timmy", 6); // loop through our new array for(i = 0; <= family.length; i++) { console.log( family[i]; } you using "this" keyword incorrectly. when access family[i] accessing instance of prototype in javascript. drop "this."

mysql - SQL/PHP - Select between two dates, with date printed out -

this question has answer here: how convert string date in mysql? 4 answers convert date string mysql datetime field 6 answers i trying select between 2 dates in php , sql. however, php dates printed this: july 1, 2017 and july 30, 2017 the problem is, in database selecting from, dates stored yyyy-mm-dd: 2017-07-01 , 2017-07-30 i trying make query, select between 2 dates: select dl.list_id,,, dl.list_name, dl.list_supplier, dls.reference, dls.mawb, dls.shipment, driving_lists dl left join driving_list_shipments dls on dl.list_id = dls.list_id dl.deleted=0 , > 0 , between 'format(july 01, 2017,'yyyy-mm-dd')' , 'format(july 30, 2017,'yyyy-mm-dd')' order dl.list_id so, problem this: betw

powershell - How can I make Validate-set also to work for mandatory parameter input prompt? -

i use dynamic validate sets functions mandatory parameters. when not provided powershell prompts , forces user input. however in case, tab not respond , have type value. is there way make dynamic validate set available on prompt? there's nothing you can do! the reason prompt presented host application not have necessary information available cycle through valid values. to understand why, it's essential understand happens when invoke cmdlet without passing argument mandatory parameter. let's explore! first, let's define simple sample function: function test-validateset { param( [parameter(mandatory)] [validateset('a','b','c')] [string[]]$character ) write-host "you entered: $character!" } if want see powershell does statement when hit enter, use trace-command . ps c:\> trace-command parameterbinding {test-validateset} -pshost debug: parameterbinding information: 0 : bind named cmd l

sql server - XML Attributes to SQL -

i've seen posts similar i'm ask, can't find solves problem. i've seen (and duplicated) getting xml tags sql, not getting attributes of tags sql. background: use program runs "events" based on each event's schedule. schedules in xml. ultimately, i'm trying compare last time given event ran last time should have run, based on schedule. once schedules out of xml , table (or tables), i'm confident can take there. but, i'm struggling first step. below xml i'm trying table (or tables). appreciated!! <schedule lastmodified="2016-06-27t21:02:10.6041531z" timezone="(utc-06:00) central time (us &amp; canada)" convertedtoutc="true" type="weekly"> <beginning startdate="2016-05-26t22:26:00.0000000" /> <block blocktype="allday" interval="10" intervaltype="minute" settype="inclusive" start="15:00:00" end="17:

node.js - npm failed to exec script on Windows 7 -

i want using npm build tool, watch-and-compile-your-sass-with-npm . package.json { // ... "scripts": { "jojo": "./bin/jojo" }, // ... } ./bin/jojo echo "test" && exit 1 npm-debug.log ... silly lifecycle workshop@0.0.1~jojo: args: [ '/d /s /c', './scripts/jojo' ] 12 silly lifecycle workshop@0.0.1~jojo: returned: code: 1 signal: null 13 info lifecycle workshop@0.0.1~jojo: failed exec jojo script 14 verbose stack error: workshop@0.0.1 jojo: `./scripts/jojo` 14 verbose stack exit status 1 ... but in way able run successfully. { // ... "scripts": { "jojo": "echo \"test\" && exit 1" }, // ... }

python - python3 file to array with quotes -

this question has answer here: convert string representation of list list in python 8 answers i have data in file following: [['1','1','abc'],['2','2','pqr'],['3','3','xyz']] i trying load data in list variable. with open('abc.txt') d: text = d.readlines() i got following output: >>> text ["[['1','1','abc'],['2','2','pqr'],['3','3','xyz']]"] then tried command text = got following result: "[['1','1','abc'],['2','2','pqr'],['3','3','xyz']]" i trying achieve output as: >>> text [['1','1','abc'],['2','2','pqr'],['3','3&#

python 3.4 - Running Pyautogui on a different computer with different resolution -

i have python script runs on work computer (1600 x 900 resolution). on computer took screenshot images used pyautogui.locateonscreen. tried run program on home laptop different resolution (1340 x 640) , script not seem find image location. guessing because of different resolution. (i have copied script folder work computer home computer, path image file same). there can change in script pyautogui.locateonscreen identify image on computer resolution? i think you'll need take screenshot of image on different resolution, , @ start of program have detect whether it's on 1600x900 screen or 1340x640 screen. make 'locateonscreen' pieces take variable, , depending on screen size, replace variables path correct image. import pyautogui def function(): pyautogui.locateonscreen(x) ... pyautogui.locateonscreen(y) ... screen = pyautogui.size() if screen = (1600, 900): x = 'image1_1600_900.png' y = 'image2_1600_900.png' else:

configuration - Traditional ISV Moving to the Cloud -

we traditional isv looking move our product cloud. have been doing lot of research there 2 questions can't seem find definitive answer. of course, part of problem don't know enough formulate intelligent question please bear me. my first question has configuring vpn access. assume lease iaas space provider on top of run our product. ideally each of our customers have own vpn connection own virtual system (web server, app server , database) while our internal support personnel have separate vpn connection allowing access virtual servers of customers. additionally, customer access system through our app (port 80, etc.) while support use rdp, ssh, etc. access of machines. setup possible? assume haven't been able find specifics regarding different access multiple vpns. my second question windows authentication. our product can configured use either windows or forms authentication. if wanted offer same capability in cloud each customer (wanting use windows auth) need own

xml - how to skip first comment on next page URL in xpath -

how skip first comment on next page url in xpath , put code? i'm working on following code: <xq-param name="url" type="string"> <var name="url" /> </xq-param> <xq-expression> <![cdata[ declare variable $doc node() external; declare variable $url xs:string external; let $doc := if(matches($url,'pagenum_posts=\d+')) $doc//div[matches(@class,'post l\d+')][not(position()=1)] else $doc//div[matches(@class,'post l\d+')] let $comments := $x in $doc let $postedby := data($x//a[matches(@class,'txt_b') or matches(@name,'reply\d+')]) let $postedon := data($x//em[@class='author']/span) let $contenttext := data($x//div[@class='col2']) let $location := data($x//div[@class='col1']/em[@class='author']/a) return <comment> <postedby>{$postedby}</postedby>

c - Random number generator code fix (alternative for srand48/drand48) -

let me start saying know near nothing c , c++. in fact, mathematics major, i'm totally new programming. being said, need wrap older code trying struggle through it. now, when trying run test, error severity code description project file line suppression state error lnk2019 unresolved external symbol srand48 referenced in function main pokereval c:\users\m.faas\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\pokerproject\pokerevalc\pokereval\allfive.obj 1 error lnk2019 unresolved external symbol drand48 referenced in function shuffle_deck pokereval c:\users\m.faas\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\pokerproject\pokerevalc\pokereval\pokerlib.obj 1 error lnk1120 2 unresolved externals pokereval c:\users\m.faas\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\pokerproject\pokerevalc\pokereval\x64\debug\pokereval.exe 1 and same drand48. the code i'm using starts follows: #include <stdio.h> #include "arrays.h" #include "pok

angularjs - How to add rows in a table with a button -

i'm having issues on adding rows in table using button. here html(note have 2 elements same custom directive, sure works): <input class="form-control" id="dispatcherpod" ng-model="pod.pod"> <exa-datepicker model="pod.startdate" required="true"disabled="true" min-mode="day"id="podstartdate" format="yyyy-mm-dd" readonlydata="false"></exa-datepicker> <exa-datepicker model="pod.enddate" required="true" disabled="true" min-mode="day" id="podenddate" format="yyyy-mm-dd" readonlydata="false"></exa-datepicker> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" ng-click="puntualadd()">{{'puntual_add' | translate

c# - Can't collapse the rope by script -

i use rope script using hingejoint2d can't collapse cuz understood hingejoint2d tries keep distance between objects... how fix it? signle solution come it's disable hingejoint2d , rigitbody2d , after changing of positions enable again... below rope script: namespace entities { [requirecomponent(typeof(rigidbody2d))] [requirecomponent(typeof(linerenderer))] public class rope : monobehaviour { private enum mode { none, rope, line, collapsing } public bool m_automatic = true; public gameobject m_target; public gameobject m_source; [range(1, 100)] public int m_segments = 1; public float m_mass = 1f; private linerenderer m_renderer; private mode m_mode = mode.none; private float m_timer; private float m_maxdistance; private float m_speed; private int m_activeindex; private gameob

bash - I am trying to execute the python script on remote server using SSH but fails -

script below client = paramiko.sshclient() client.load_host_keys('/user/hokale') client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.autoaddpolicy()) my_key = paramiko.rsakey.from_private_key_file('/user/hokale') client.connect(hostname=host, username=user, password=password,pkey=my_key) the remote script present @ locaton /user/hokale . load_host_keys api or paramiko.rsakey.from_private_key_file fails saying in load open(filename, 'r') f: filenotfounderror: [errno 2] no such file or directory:/user/hokale please suggest solution i infer question /user/hokale directory "a remote script present @ /user/hokale". load_host_keys takes filename argument, not directory. if host keys file example /user/hokale/foo/known_hosts, need point file instead of directory. and remember, paramiko host keys file different ssh known hosts file. typical mistake point ssh known_hosts file , expect work.

r - combine bar and scatterplot in ggplot -

i have data topic, if customers talk positive, negative or neutral , topics impact , difference average. data <- data.frame(topic = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), impact = runif(4, min = -2, max = 2), difference = runif(4, min = -30, max = 30),n = round(runif(4, min = 1, max = 100)), share_positive = c(0.04, 0.9, 0.3, 0.37), share_neutral = c(0.7, 0.06, 0.48, 0.4), share_negative = c(0.26, 0.04, 0.22, 0.23)) i put in simple scatterplot: ggplot(data = data, aes(x = difference, y = impact, size = n, label = topic)) + geom_point() + geom_text(size = 4, vjust = -1, colour = "black") then added colour distinct between positive , less positive topics: ggplot(data = data, aes(x = difference, y = impact, size = n, label = topic, colour = share_positive)) + geom_point() + scale_color_continuous(low = "grey", high = "green", guide = false) + geom_text(size = 4,

r - Creating a for loop to save each data in a separate file -

i trying take list of users dataframe, , create for loop followers. want followers user 1,2,3,4..., don't want them saved in same file. here code, missing? ## vector of users users <- unique(dat$screen_name) for(i in seq_along(users)){ print(users[i]) d <- get_followers(users[i], n= "all", page = "-1", parse = true, token = null) } this overwriting, deletes first user followers, , write on 2nd , on.

PowerShell Parameter Sets: Require either A or B to be set -

is there simple way have parameter set allows either or b not both specified? e.g. script either accept: .\simplescript.ps1 -a "str1" -x 1 -y 2 -z 3 or .\simplescript.ps1 -b "str2" -x 1 -y 2 -z 3 but not: .\simplescript.ps1 -a "str1" -b "str2" -x 1 -y 2 -z 3 you can write cmdlet , use parameter sets . have base documentation @ about functions advanced parameters param ( [parameter(mandatory=$true, parametersetname="witha")] [string] $a, [parameter(mandatory=$true, parametersetname="withb")] [string] $b, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int] $x ... )

java - How to display UTF-8 Charset at UI -

i trying display below string @ ui utf-8 charset. controller code string str = "யாமறிந்த à®®ொà®´ிகளிலே தமிà®´்à®®ொà®´ி போல் இனிதாவது எங்குà®®் காணோà®®், பாமரராய் விலங்குகளாய், உலகனைத்துà®®் இகழ்ச்சிசொலப் பான்à®®ை கெட்டு, நாமமது தமிà®´à®°ெனக் கொண்டு இங்கு வாà®´்ந்திடுதல் நன்à®±ோ? சொல்லீà®°்! தேமதுரத் தமிà®´ோசை உலகமெலாà®®் பரவுà®®்வகை செய்தல் வேண்டுà®®். "; printwriter pw = response.getwriter(); //pw.write(json.tostring()); pw.write(new string(str.getbytes(charset.forname("utf-8")))); jsp view <meta charset="utf-8"> $('#doc1').html(data); output @ ui: யாமறிந�?த à®®�?à®´ி�?ளில�? தமிà®´�?à®®�?à®´ி ப�?ல�? �?னிதாவத�? �?�?�?�?�?à®®�? �?ாண�?à®®�?, பாமரராய�? வில�?�?�?�?�?ளாய�?, �?ல�?ன�?த�?த�?à®®�? �?�?à®´�?�?�?�?ி�?�?லப�? பான�?à®®�? �?�?�?�?�?�?, நாமமத�? தமிà®´à®°�?ன�?�? �?�?ண�?�?�? �?�?�?�?�? வாà®´�?ந�?தி�?�?தல�? நன�?à®±�?? �?�?ல�?ல�?à®°�?! த�?மத�?ரத�? தமிà®´�?�?�? �?ல�?à®®�?லாà®®�? பரவ�?à®®�?வ�?�? �?�?ய�?தல�? வ�?ண�?�?�?à®®�?.

sql - Do foreign keys have size? -

i calculating database size , had 1 doubt foreign keys. have size? if references, occupy 2 different positions in memory? the columns make foreign key do, of course, have size, occupy same amount of space whether or not participating in foreign key relationship. most database products require target column(s) of foreign key reference indexed - but, again, such index can exist in absence of foreign key relationship. thirdly, foreign key require small (fixed) amount of metadata record existence. beyond that, there may database products require additional space implement some foreign key features, such cascading deletes. such details product specific. but in general, plain foreign keys, there should no additional storage requirement.

javascript - Enable to Get Product Information from any shopping URL on webview android -

i having 1 activity, in web view available , url web view shopping url, when url loads in webview , item select add cart or buy information of product fetch , alertdialog shown above web view . can guide me same, not able find should use or implement making work need? appreciated. in advance... here code i've tried fetch product data before asked question. public class webstoreactivity extends appcompatactivity { webview webview; string adidas_tag = "product"; string nike_tag = "ch4_cartitem"; string zalando_tag = "z-coast-fjord_article"; string digitec_tag = "item-description"; string adidas_shoppingcart_url = ""; string nike_shoppingcart_url = ""; string zalando_shoppingcart_url = ""; string digitec_shop

java - Type mismatch: cannot convert from DataProvider to Annotation -

i receiving error of 'type mismatch: cannot convert dataprovider annotation' error @dataprovider (@line 19) any appreciated package parameterization; import org.testng.annotations.test; import org.testng.annotations.dataprovider; public class dataprovider { //this test method declares data should supplied data provider // "getdata" function name passing data // number of columns should match number of input parameters @test(dataprovider="getdata") public void setdata(string username, string password) { system.out.println("you have provided username as::"+username); system.out.println("you have provided password as::"+password); } @dataprovider(name="getdata") public object[][] getdata() { //rows - number of times test has repeated. //columns - number of parameters in test data. obj

javascript - Chrome debugger doesn't stop -

i have added breakpoint following code in line 44 debugger; . expected chrome stop there every time before console.log("...") executed. surprise stops 1 time. to test example: run snippet below in chrome open chrome dev tools drag image website in drop area at point chrome stops @ breakpoint. if in console should see console.log statement executed 2 more times. i know why happens. (threading issue??) and how can solve if want debug code @ line. $(document).ready(function() { $('#drop-area').on("dragover", function(event) { event.preventdefault(); event.stoppropagation(); $(this).addclass('dragging'); }); $('#drop-area').on("dragleave", function(event) { event.preventdefault(); event.stoppropagation(); $(this).removeclass('dragging'); }); $('#drop-area').on("drop", function(event) { event.preventdefault(); event.stoppropag

Spotfire date expression error -

in spotfire have column property fromdate , todate date. trying limit result of data using expression below. keep on encountering error invalid type function call 'documentproperty' on line1, character 19 limit expression [poddate] >= date(documentproperty(${devinfoytd}.{location}.{fromdate})) , [poddate] <= date(documentproperty(${devinfoytd}.{location}.{todate})) if used below expression don't error there no data shown on table. [poddate] >= date(${devinfoytd}.{location}.{fromdate}) , [poddate] <= date(${devinfoytd}.{location}.{todate}) any ideas on how fix it? you don't need 3 part identifier. i'm unsure of supposed be, need list property control. [poddate] >= date("${yourpropertycontrolname}") , and [poddate] <= date("${yourotherpropertycontrolname}")

javascript - Not able to use browser.waitForAngular successfully after executing browser.executeScript in protractor -

only case code works. intention browser.waitforangular() after browser.executescript(script) has executed. why case b , case c not work i.e. test fails if use case b , case c??????? wrote code solve timing issues. writing valid/logical code in case b , case c : let executescript = (script, retrycount = 1) => { console.log("executing javascript:" + script); return browser.waitforangular().then(_ => { return this.waitformyconditiontobeready(8000).then(_ => { return browser.executescript(script).then( _ => _ , error => { // pass through if there's no error, otherwise handle error if ( && (retrycount < 7)) { console.log("error: while executing executescript, retry count, retrying in 2 secs. ",, retrycount); browser.sleep(2000); return executescript(script, ++retrycount); } throw error; });

angular - Converting AngularJS deffered promise to AngularX observable for JSOM -

i converting angularjs application angular 4 gets data sharepoint. using jsom , executequeryasync() method. i data executequeryasync() server , store in observable in service. code have transform old version (which not me) below. struggle syntax when converting service. have absolute no plan how convert angular 4. getallstatusreps($scope) { const deferred = $q.defer(); const ctx = sp.clientcontext.get_current(); const web = ctx.get_web(); const statuslist = web.get_lists().getbytitle(this.statuslistname); const twitterlist = web.get_lists().getbytitle(this.twitterlistname); const statreps = statuslist.getitems(this.getqueryforallstatusreps()); const twitreps = twitterlist.getitems(this.getqueryforallstatusreps()); const querytext = ` <view> <rowlimit>1</rowlimit> <viewfields>{0}</viewfields> <query> <where><isnotnull><fieldref name=

powershell - Convert text file to ANSI format -

i running 2 powershell scripts. 1 powershell script adds host name text file. other powershell script appends ip address of machine same file. so, .txt file looks follows: hostname ipaddress but, file being saved in unicode format default. can that, text file stored in ansi format? i use powershell v2.0. [system.text.encoding]::default issinglebyte : true bodyname : iso-8859-1 encodingname : western european (windows) headername : windows-1252 webname : windows-1252 windowscodepage : 1252 isbrowserdisplay : true isbrowsersave : true ismailnewsdisplay : true ismailnewssave : true encoderfallback : system.text.internalencoderbestfitfallback decoderfallback : system.text.internaldecoderbestfitfallback isreadonly : true codepage : 1252 depending on how outputting text may need set encoding type. using out-file -encoding use type of ascii . depends on version of powershell you're using. see: ss64 out-file , set encoding ansi in powershell 2.0

angular - Progressive Web App With .NET Core and .cshtml Files -

hello trying turn angular 2+ application progressive web app , running issues , not sure if using service worker correctly. have 2 main questions on how should setting up. first, seeing following error in console , not sure need change correct url "starturl"... site cannot installed: no matching service worker detected. may need reload page, or check service worker current page controls start url manifest here plugin in webpack (this seems generating manifest.json correctly not sure should using start_url). pulled example google developers blog. application resouces (service-worker.js, manifest.js, bundled js/css) going dist folder. new manifestplugin({ filename: 'manifest.json', seed: { name: "angular testing", short_name: "angular testing", theme_color: "#b92b27", background_color: "#ffffff", display: "standalone", orientation: "portra