
Showing posts from June, 2014

javascript - Outputting n instances of a React component -

i want create n instances of react component. what terse way give jsx can contain expressions? i trying following: <wrapper> {repeat(n)(i => <mycomponent i={i} />} </wrapper> function repeat(n) { return cb => array(n).fill(null).foreach((_, i) => cb(i)); } you can use javascript als :) render() { const lst = [1, 2, 3, 4]; return ( <div> { => <span key={itm}>{itm}</span>)} </div> ); } if not have key ready, can use second argument of map callback index in array. more info on mdn . in specific case not have array number: render() { var times = []; (let = 0; < 10; i++) { times.push(<mycomponent key={i} i={i} />); } return <wrapper>{times}</wrapper>; } also check this answer on how use for loops. it's not quite nice works. believe react team has planned make working arrays in jsx more straight forward. if have number, , no

ssh keys - Rundeck ssh connection refused -

i can't execute remotely on nodes, stored node's private key on /var/lib/rundeck/nodes/backend-01.key , error: execution log: execution failed: 20 in project deployments: [workflow result: , step failures: {1=dispatch failed on 1 nodes: [backend-01: connectionfailure: conexión rehusada (connection refused)]}, node failures: {backend-01=[connectionfailure: conexión rehusada (connection refused)]}, status: failed] my resources.xml: <project> <node name="backend-01" description="backend-01" tags="" hostname="" osarch=" x86_64" osfamily="unix" osname="linux" osversion="x86_64" username="backend-01" ssh-keypath="/var/lib/rundeck/nodes/backend-01.key" /> </project> i store node private key on /var/lib/rundeck/nodes/backend-01.key i followed tutorial, didn't work

function - Operator Overloading in Python coming from C++ -

i'm trying overload operators in python class represents mathematical fraction. in particular i'm trying overload * operator can have fraction * fraction, fraction * integer , integer * fraction operations. i've had experience c++ , in case write operator overloads in fraction class: friend fraction operator*(const fraction &f1, const fraction &f2); friend fraction operator*(const fraction &f, int v); friend fraction operator*(int v, const fraction &f); my understanding c++ knows function resolve based on arguments give it. since in python function parameters aren't typed i'm confused how python knows operator overload resolve to? example: def __mul__(self, other): return fraction(self.numerator * other.numerator, self.denominator * other.denominator) def __mul__(self,value): return fraction(self.numerator * value,self.denominator) the first overload work 2 fractions , second fraction , integer, how python know use? i'm new p

c# - Xamarin Forms Android Release ViewModel not working -

i developing app xamarin forms. when run app in debug mode on device/emulator works fine. when switch on release mode viewmodel bindings stop working. error printed following: binding: 'property' property not found on 'myapp.viewmodel.registerviewmodel', target property: 'xamarin.forms.button.command' anyone had error?

angular - breaks loop -

this piece of code parses triples (not important) , should return 1 parking @ time. problem calling breaks loop runs once. console.log doesn't called. i'm missing possible breaks loop? there error or feature or plain wrong? return observable.create(observer => { this.fetch.get(dataseturl).then(response => { // subjects parkings const parkingtriples = [], parkings = [], totalspacesparking = [], labels = []; (let index = 0; index < response.triples.length; index++) { if (response.triples[index].object === '') { parkingtriples.push(response.triples[index]); } if (response.triples[index].predicate === '') { totalspacesparking.push(response.triples[index]); } if (response.triples[index].predicate === '

python - implement django user (Staff member) to handle some user's informations -

i developing website allows management of reservation of cars users. created first app manages user accounts such : registration email confirmation / login / logout ...etc i've created special user have staff permissions during registration, each new user must load pdf documents, these documents verified staff user if uploaded documents good, member sends user pdf_contract signed electronically my question is how display files uploaded users staff user, can check , send them pdf document. my code: from mysite.core.forms import signupform, profileform, documentform mysite.core.models import profile mysite.core.tokens import account_activation_token django.views.generic.list import listview django.views.generic.detail import detailview # create views here. def index(request): return render(request, 'index.html') @login_required def home(request): return render(request, 'home.html') def signup(request): if request.method == &

javascript - How to make timer circle to run according to timer entries -

i have timer, bounded circle. circle moves along running entries timer. if play circle move according seconds, if pause circle gets paused , stop means goes zero. if run timer , change page, timer circle go forward , backward. not running according number of seconds @ taking 2 entries not getting issue arising. please hereby sharing codes please help: html code : <round-progress [current]="current" [max]="3600" [stroke]="6" [radius]="100" [rounded]="false" [responsive]="false" [color]="color" [background]="background" [duration]="800" [animation]="animation"></round-progress> track.ts this.apiservice .runningentries(this.user_id) .subscribe( entries => { if(entries.current) { this.currenttask = entries.current;

How to get the control back to my app, If user clicks on DENY button in Trello Authorization screen -

in our application using trello authentication , authorization flow consent user. below code sample using user trello authorization. trello.authorize({ type: "redirect", name: "trello myapp", scope: { read: true, write: true }, expiration: "never", success: authenticationsuccess, error: authenticationfailure }); function authenticationsuccess() { console.log("success"); } function authenticationfailure() { console.log("failure"); } once user chosen account , login, trello giving control application calling success call method "authenticationsuccess". if user clicks on "deny" button in authorization screen, trello not giving control application. failure call method "authenticationfailure" not executing. please suggest me, how can control app when user clicks on "deny" button

java - Understanding ZooKeeper startup command line -

i reading zookeeper cluster set-up document here . but unfortunately can't understand java command start zookeeper service. $ java -cp zookeeper.jar:lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar:conf \ org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.quorumpeermain zoo.cfg as far knew(please correct if wrong.thanks), -cp means -classpath option. :lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar means reference libraries of executable jar zookeeper.jar . org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.quorumpeermain main class command needed. , zoo.cfg means argument of main class. what can't understand :conf \ part. mean? i tried read document java document . didn't helpful. could please shed light on ?thanks. the conf part adds classes , resources conf directory classpath. the classpath contains 3 entries: zookeeper.jar , i.e. zookeeper jar file in current working directory lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar , i.e. log4j jar file in lib directory conf , i.e. compiled classes , resources in conf directory the backslas

c# - XAML Progressbar in Powershell -

i want have progressbar in powershell application, progress changed during executing functions. once 1 function ended, want move progressbar little. progressbar declared in xaml: <progressbar x:name="progressbar" horizontalalignment="left" height="20" margin="0,672,0,0" verticalalignment="top" width="754" grid.columnspan="4"/> then, i'm trying change progressbar value during event button_click: $progressbar.value = 0 function1 $progressbar.value = 30 function2 $progressbar.value = 100 i tried logic using write-progress , works, tried non-xaml .net powershel implemented in powershell - success. need use background jobs? or maybe there's solutions. do have ideas?

How to install a package using apt-get in ubuntu container inside Docker -

i have installed docker on windows 10. after that, pull ubuntu container. after running container docker run -t -i --privileged ubuntu bash or docker run -it ubuntu command, i've root@7f72926f3608:/# in console. then, try install python package using apt-get $sudo apt-get install python or apt-get install python , i've gotten following error in console: reading package lists... done building dependency tree reading state information... done e: unable locate package python hence, the question how can install package in ubuntu container inside docker? run apt-get update , install packages.

css3 - CSS: How to round box corners inside with shadow? -

found topic how make inner round corners. how add shadow whole section? i need shadow around section. have problems in these corners. you use filter property drop-shadow() , eg filter: drop-shadow(16px 16px 10px black) inside element inset corners. here's more info on property

c# - how can i change-hide controller name from url in MVC -

i'm working on project using mvc-5. when run application, i'm getting url: , want this: so possible in mvc-5 you either change route stated in ahmad's answer or rename action index. mvc automatically routes http://{host}/controllername/actionname ; in case seems action "home" on controller "home". rename action "home" "index" , you'll able acces http://{host}/home , don't forget rename view well.

html - how to add and delete values from array in javascript? -

on console should print div id of particular div created in form of array , each time div created value should stored in array , whenever div deleted value of corresponding div should removed array. <!doctype html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <p>click button make division element.</p> <button id="button" onclick="myfunctiontry()">add</button> <div id="mydiv"> </div> <script> var counter=1; function myfunctiontry() { var x = document.createelement("div");"div" var z= document.createelement("button");"btn"; x.setattribute("style", "border :1px solid;height: 250px; width: 250px; top: 741px; left: 491px; padding:10px; margin: 50px;"); z.setattribute("style", "background: #000 url(/home/subodh/desktop/widge

What does the dot preceeding an operator mean in C? -

i'm not familiar c , i'm trying translate piece of code found language. part, it's been rather intuitive encountered bit of code in subtraction operator preceeded fullstop, this: double c; c = 1.-exp(a/b) i searched can find dot operator standard property access of object. i've encountered '.-' operator in other langauges denoted element-wise operation on array, in code none of elements arrays; of a, b , c doubles. it instructs compiler treat literal number floating-point number. 1. = 1.0 in case c = 1.-exp(a/b) equivalent c = 1.0 -exp(a/b)

delete row from file using csv reader and lists python -

there similar questions on none deal specifics require. i have following code seeks delete row in file, based on specified user input. methodology read file list delete relevant row in list (ideally while reading in list?) over-write file. it's 2 , 3 guidance on comments best solution (for beginners, teaching/learning purposes) carry out sort of simple delete/edit in python csv reader. code """ ==============task 1. search given username 2. delete whole row particular user e.g. enter username: marvr >>the record marvr has been deleted file. """ import csv #1. code snippet asks user username , deletes user's record file. updatedlist=[] open("fakefacebook.txt",newline="") f: reader=csv.reader(f) username=input("enter username of user wish remove file:") row in reader: #for every row in file if username not in updatedlist: updatedlist=row #add each row, line line, list calle

c++ - Qt floating widget anchoring -

i have window qt layers , widgets. have couple of floating widgets in window. "floating" mean childs of window not belong layout. these widgets serve different helper purposes, let's describe of them clarify , why i'm looking for: qlabel should pop on screen center in rare cases. should overlap other "layered" widgets , on top time; a couple of qsliders video volume , video progress. should appear on hover in bottom of window , overlap other "layered" widgets. so, question how anchor these floating widgets window parts: center, bottom, top? possibility see far reimplement window's resizeevent , manually recalculate position of floating widgets, not beautiful solution. is there way simpler , more automaticly qspaceritem ? imagination draws me "z-stacked layer panes", have independent composing , shown/drawn in z-order deepest front. not supported qt.

model view controller - Rails: Link to custom method with variables -

i have simple custom method def delete(foo, bar) @foo = foo.find(foo) @bar = bar.find(bar) destroy end and want call view link: <%= link_to 'delete', delete_articles_path(number: @number, tag: @tag), method: put, data: { confirm: 'are sure?' } %> the route: resources :articles collection put '/delete', to: "articles#delete", as: "delete_article" end end i tried like here(stack overflow) says should pass data through params, while want pass method variables. you don't need arguments. pass variables need via params hash.

r - Histogram over time of day -

i have dataframe in 1 column contains different dates including times, e.g. as.posixct(c("2017-07-03 08:23:00", "2017-07-03 09:00:00", "2017-07-03 17:23:00", "2017-07-03 18:05:00", "2017-07-04 08:24:00", "2017-07-04 09:02:00", "2017-07-04 17:24:00", "2017-07-04 18:01:00", "2017-07-05 08:57:00", "2017-07-05 09:31:00", "2017-07-05 16:25:00", "2017-07-05 17:14:00")) now want @ how many times time occurs @ intervals (say 15 min). thus, aim histogram of frequency (over days) vs time of day. any hints? edit: tried extract time by df$time <- hm(format(df$date, "%h:%m")) but left me column of class period didn't know how handle. tried like ggplot(df, aes(date)) + geom_histogram() + scale_x_time() my

utl file - Replacement of fnd_file with utl_file for logging in plsql -

my package code contains fnd_file.put_line logging purpose. need replace utl_file.put_line minimum lines of code should write. there 100+ occurences of fnd_file.put_line in code 14 procedures. please explain difference between utl_file , fnd_file? , give me sample code well. my question is: can please explain if code on server how give directory location. include server details well. please clarify example. ps: can see package part of concurrent utl_file in scope? fnd_file.put_line , print string in output or log file, when run concurrent program. fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, 'message'); -- print in concurrent program output fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'message'); -- print in concurrent program log utl_file.put_line going print string in writable file, need open in pl-sql. example of using utl_file v_chr_out_file utl_file.file_type; v_chr_out_file := utl_file.fopen (<directory_path>,

Does bash import variables from inner file at second and deeper levels? -

i have these files: # ~/.bashrc # expect variables in file exported . ~/ # ~/ # expect expands parent's vars export var=test what happens when run bash: $ echo $var $ nothing. but when place variables directly in .bashrc # ~/.bashrc var=test then works: $ echo $var test is possible import variables inner files? about versions: bash --version gnu bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) $ uname -a linux user-pc 4.9.38-1-manjaro #1 smp preempt sat jul 15 12:04:06 utc 2017 x86_64 gnu/linux i know ~ works , ~/ have sourced: # ~/ touch ~/env_sourced.test $ bash $ file ~/env_sourced.test ~/env_sourced.test: empty

node.js - Error `RSV2 and RSV3 must be clear` in `ws` -

my app uses ws in express server serve websocket. have seen lot of errors in production: rsv2 , rsv3 must clear /app/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:184:18getinfo /app/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:153:16startloop /app/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:139:10add /app/node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:142:22_ultron.on events.js:96:13emitone events.js:188:7emit _stream_readable.js:176:18readableaddchunk _stream_readable.js:134:10readable.push net.js:547:20onread it seems happen of users, , have never been able reproduce in local environment. what can further investigate root cause of error? according rfc6455 : rsv1, rsv2, rsv3: 1 bit each must 0 unless extension negotiated defines meanings non-zero values. if nonzero value received , none of negotiated extensions defines meaning of such nonzero value, receiving endpoint must fail websocket connection . so sounds server dealing rogue client that's setting 1 of rsv2 or

r - Bootstrapping error Within-subject difference between correlations not implemented -

i trying use package called bootes in r calculate effect size via bootstrapping, however, error when try , run independent t-test through function, i.e., categorical variable (con) , numerical variable (con). the error error in determinestat(data, data.col, grps, effect.type, lmbds) : within - subject difference between correlations not implemented > check$con <- as.character(check$con) > check$h1<- as.numeric(check$h1) > head(check) > # analysis > t.test(check$h1 ~ check$con) > test <- t.test(check$h1 ~ check$con) > bt <- bootes(check, data.col = "h1", group.col = "con", r = 10000, effect.type = "cohens.d") glimpse(check) observations: 830 variables: 2 $ h1 <dbl> 2.666667, 2.666667, 8.333333, 3.000000, 2.000000, 1.000000, 3.666667, 1.000000, 6.333333, 1.000000, 4.000000, 1.000000, 4.33... $ con <chr> "1", "1", "0",

ubuntu - Building a docker file with apt-get behind a proxy -

i'm trying run apt-get -y install python while behind proxy shown in dockerfile below: from ubuntu:16.04 run \ http_proxy= \ apt-get -y update && \ http_proxy= \ apt-get install -y python python-dev python-pip python-virtualenv run \ http_proxy= \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* run pip install --upgrade pip --proxy= add . /code workdir /code run pip install -r requirements.txt --proxy= entrypoint ["python", ""] i have specify proxy twice in first run, because proxy doesn't carry on apt-get install otherwise. i can't use env affects program (it runs/gets files within proxy , download incorrectly if specify proxies environment variables). when try building file error: unable fetch archives, maybe run apt-get update or try --fix-missing? command [...]returned non-zero

swift - Calling the built-in function with the same name as a custom function -

i have following code round value nearest number: func round(_ value: double, tonearest nearest: double) -> double { let roundedvalue = round(value / nearest) * nearest return roundedvalue } however, following complaint because use same name method builtin one: missing argument parameter 'tonearest' in call is there way around this? i.e. builtin round(value / nearest) ? thanks. as shown in following answer: how round double nearest int in swift? most darwin/c rounding methods readily available native swift methods, types conforming floatingpoint (e.g. double , float ). means if set on implementing own rounding method using same logic in question, can use rounded() method of floatingpoint , make use of .tonearestorawayfromzero rounding rule, (as described in linked answer) equivalent darwin/c round(...) method. applied modify custom round(_:tonearest:) function: func round(_ value: double, tonearest nearest: double) -> double

angular - How to navigate two routers at once -

i have big problem auxiliarity router. want, every time when user try navigate main router, second router /reset page. created guard that reset-aux.guard.ts @injectable() export class resetauxguard implements canactivate { constructor(private router: router, private route: activatedroute) { } canactivate( next: activatedroutesnapshot, state: routerstatesnapshot): observable<boolean> | promise<boolean> | boolean { this.router.navigate(['app', {outlets: {sbr: 'reset'}}]); return true; } } and routing file looks that: app.routing.ts export const routes: routes = [ { path: 'app', component: fulllayoutcomponent, data: { title: 'home' }, children: [ { path: 'page', loadchildren: './management/page/page.module#pagemodule', canactivate: [resetauxguard] }, /

time series - R Moving Window Model fit with variable window size -

currently, working data frames in r, first column of numeric date. have data sorted in ascending order of date. want fit model (the code i've provided simple ols model) 20 day period i've had assume have 124 observations per day, requiring me use loop, not case. there way me include 20 day window without making assumption? current algorithm have below. appreciated. inputs data set , 2 integers, predict , predictor. rollerols <- function(data, predict, predictor){ res <- list() alpha <- c() beta <- c() m <- dim(data)[1] for(i in 1:(floor(m/124)-10)){ <-[c((1+(124*(i-1))):((i+9)*124)),]) data.pred <-[c((1+(124*(i+9))):((i+10)*124)-1),]) n <- dim([1] k <- dim(data.pred)[1] x <-[-1,predictor] y <-[-n, predict] mod <- lm(y ~ x) ts <- mod$coefficients[1] + mod$coefficients[2]*data.pred[-1,predictor] actual <- data.pre

Polymer 2.0 + firebase can't update properly -

i've got problem using polymer 2.0 , firebase. want update data firebase firebase-document when want update title, destroy previous data , save title. example of strucute before update : myapp: categories: 1: logoname: test.png title: test and after : myapp: categories: 1: title: test bis do have give entire record , update field want or can give field want update savevalue . try give field doesn't seem work here part of code : <dom-module id="categorie-form"> <template> <firebase-document id="document" app-name="myapp" data="{{categoriedata}}"> </firebase-document> <iron-form id="categorieironform"> <form id="categorieform"> <label for="title">nom de la catégorie</label> <i

c++ - What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it? -

what undefined reference/unresolved external symbol errors? common causes , how fix/prevent them? feel free edit/add own. compiling c++ program takes place in several steps, specified 2.2 (credits keith thompson reference) : the precedence among syntax rules of translation specified following phases [see footnote] . physical source file characters mapped, in implementation-defined manner, basic source character set (introducing new-line characters end-of-line indicators) if necessary. [snip] each instance of backslash character (\) followed new-line character deleted, splicing physical source lines form logical source lines. [snip] the source file decomposed preprocessing tokens (2.5) , sequences of white-space characters (including comments). [snip] preprocessing directives executed, macro invocations expanded, , _pragma unary operator expressions executed. [snip] each source character set member in character literal or string literal, e

jsp - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'command' available as request attribute in spring mvc -

please i've been searching error whole day, cannot find precise answer.i want controller take me loginmodel.jsp. this controller. @requestmapping(value="/loginmodel",method=requestmethod.get) public string requestlogin(){ return "loginmodel"; } this jsp loginmodel.jsp <%@ taglib prefix="form" uri="" %><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en" ""><html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head> <body> <form:form method = "post" action = "/helpdesk/login"> <table> <tr> <td><form:label path = "username">username</form:label></td> <td><form:input path = "username" /></td>

mongodb - mongo shell same command across multiple collections -

i trying following date conversion on multiple collections: db.u201409.find().snapshot().foreach( function (e) { e.sta = new date(e.start); e.sto = new date(e.stop);; } ) as can seen, 1 collection, namely "u201409". format uyyyymm . need execute exact same command collections 201409 until 201604, u201409, u201410, u201411, u201412, u201501, ..., u201604. is possible using shell script, , if so, how can accomplished? the mongo shell command language javascript, write javascript: var = ["u201401", "u201402"...] (var = 0; < a.length; i++) { db[a[i]].find().snapshot().foreach( ... ) }

c# - Is ValidateAntiForgeryToken autoimplemented with POST? -

i'm reading post considered secure , no, , should implement [validateantiforgerytoken] in every action of every controller. the question is: need use [validateantiforgerytoken] data annotation when use [post]? it's off default. there's reason this. not every post has come form (especially true since question tagged ) you should decorate controller action [validateantiforgerytoken] [validateantiforgerytoken] public iactionresult post(model model) { // ... etc } if you're using form tag helper, automatically add anti forgery token you, <form> markup. the markup generated like: <form action="/mycontroller" method="post"> <input name="__requestverificationtoken" type="hidden" value="fhtffhkknsdfhyazftn6c4ybzamsewg0srqluqqloi/oijoijoijojhishg" /> <!-- rest of form here --> </form> note: can manually enable/disable __requestverificationtoken g

html - PHP Reverse not working -

i'm trying reverse string , add spaces 3 in 3 characters code have right this: $rowpreco = "925000" $rowpreco = strrev($rowpreco); $rowpreco = wordwrap($rowpreco , 3 , ' ' , true ); $rowpreco = strrev($rowpreco); if take strrev out prints how want ("925 000") if have strrev print ("92 500 0"). but need use strrev because if value ("1200000") print ("120 000 0") instead of ("1 200 000"). any appreciated. thanks! update! when use number_format ignore jquery code have. echo "<script>" ."jquery(document).ready(function() {" ."var parts = jquery('.casapreco').text().split('|');" ."jquery('.casapreco2').text(parts[4]);" ."});" ."</script>"; basically initial string this: "3880562|1|1|925000|||0|0|0" i need grab 4th number i'm splitting s

javascript - html js voice recorder not working in django python implementation -

i have tried implement django application wherein user can record voice message pass ti watson api , receive transcribed data , show result user on separate page. recorder not working not able save file changes should made if want deploy application heroku , have voice recording saved there , pass audio file watson api? code: stt/stt/ import os # build paths inside project this: os.path.join(base_dir, ...) base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # quick-start development settings - unsuitable production # see # security warning: keep secret key used in production secret! secret_key = 'my-secret-key' # security warning: don't run debug turned on in production! debug = true allowed_hosts = ['*'] # application definition installed_apps = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contentty

ldap - Setting up slapd via Ansible debops.slapd -

i'm trying setup slapd service on ubuntu 16 machine using ansible , debops.slapd cannot working authentication , running. my playbook file looks this: --- - hosts: "{{hosts}}" become: true become_user: root roles: - role: debops.slapd slapd_domain: 'development.local' slapd_pki: false slapd_config_admin_password: 'passwords/ldap-admin.password' slapd_basedn_admin_password: 'passwords/ldap-admin.password' slapd_ldapscripts: true slapd_ldap_security_default: [] slapd_anonymous_bind: true the passwords/ldap-admin.password file: yoh7eque9ki0aitee5uquaichuteo0ti when launch ansible via command line ansible-playbook install-devserver-ubuntu.yml --ask-sudo-pass --extra-vars "hosts=ubuntu" installation proceeds correctly , slapd correctly installed on target machine: play [ubuntu] *********************************************************************************************