freemarker - Sort by nested field value in FTL liferay -
my structure created in liferay shown below:
{ "availablelanguageids": [ "en_us" ], "defaultlanguageid": "en_us", "fields": [ { "label": { "en_us": "image" }, "predefinedvalue": { "en_us": "" }, "style": { "en_us": "" }, "tip": { "en_us": "upload image displayed in small banner" }, "datatype": "image", "fieldnamespace": "ddm", "indextype": "keyword", "localizable": true, "name": "smallimage", "readonly": false, "repeatable": true, "required": true, "showlabel": true, "type": "ddm-image", "nestedfields": [ { "label": { "en_us": "priority of image" }, "predefinedvalue": { "en_us": "0" }, "style": { "en_us": "" }, "tip": { "en_us": "priority of uploaded image. lower number, higher priority." }, "datatype": "integer", "fieldnamespace": "ddm", "indextype": "keyword", "localizable": true, "name": "imagepriority", "readonly": false, "repeatable": false, "required": true, "showlabel": true, "type": "ddm-integer" } ] } ] }
now in template want sort using priority field of image. template shown below:
<div id="example2" class="slider-pro"> <div class="sp-slides"> <#if smallimage.getsiblings()?has_content> <#list smallimage.getsiblings()?sort_by(["properties","imagepriority"]) cur_smallimage> <#if cur_smallimage.getdata()?? && cur_smallimage.getdata() != ""> <div class="sp-slide"> <img class="sp-image" alt="${cur_smallimage.getattribute("alt")}" src="${cur_smallimage.getdata()}" data-src="${cur_smallimage.getdata()}" data-retina="${cur_smallimage.getdata()}" /> </div> </#if> </#list> </#if> </div> </div>
i tried sorting ?sort_by("cur_smallimage.imagepriority") ?sort_by("imagepriority") didnt work. want display images in sequence of priority specified.
please help.
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