json - ElasticSearch filtered query with operator AND and OR -
i'm intervening on existing app interacts elasticsearch sever , i'm seeing weird responses, due fact i'm new elastic.
i have indexed item below :
"_id": "59773d268770541557000012", "_score": 0.03282923, "_source": { "_id": "59773d268770541557000012", "active": null, "address": "dummy address", "center_ids": [], "consultation_site_ids": [], "coordinates": null, "created_at": "2017-07-25t14:44:22.270+02:00", "death_declaration_form_step_id": "56ddb086f0e0103b44000000", "end_of_pregnancy_form_step_id": "56c34e63f0e0105e65000000", "fax": "", "form_step_ids": [ "55361b215342491667030000", "5541f16252f131f6a125a375", "55361ba05342491667040000", "553610835342491667010000", "55361d225342491667050000", "5541f34a52f131f6a125a377" ], "hospital_id": "57c004905c5393772c002a62", "name": "test site d'encronologie", "phone": "", "short_name": "test site d'encronologie d'endcronologie", "sites_union_ids": [], "state": "active", "updated_at": "2017-07-25t14:44:22.270+02:00", "url": "http://www.testurl.com", "user_ids": [], "warnings_threshold": null, "_type": "site
and querying server query:
"query":{ "filtered":{ "query":{ "bool":{ "should":[ { "multi_match":{ "fields":[ "name^5", "name.edge^1", "name.full^0.3" ], "query":"enc", "type":"cross_fields" } }, { "match":{ "name":{ "query":"enc", "type":"phrase_prefix", "operator":"or" } } }, { "match":{ "name":{ "query":"enc", "type":"boolean", "boost":5 } } } ] } }, "filter":{ "and":[ { "term":{ "hospital_id":"57c004905c5393772c002a62" } }, { "term":{ "state":"active" } } ] } } }}
which returns nothing (no hits)
and other hand, if change filter operator "and" "or" recieve 1 hit.
i talking "and" on "filter" branch :
"filter":{ "and":[
i realy don't understand how come or works not and?
then again when change query term "enc" "zzz_enc" in query{} of first branch while keeping "or" have 0 matches, though filter condition hospital_id , state true on item.
why filter operator behave ?
thank in advance.
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