sql server - make rows to become columns in txt with powershell -

i have input txt file different data this:

------------------------------------------------------------------------ current local time:             fri jul 01 04:54:27 2016  current gmt time:               thu jun 30 20:54:27 2016 machine id:                     6090 machine name:                   wl6090 display s/n:                    0253g020tg terrain version:                5.3.843.843   caestasklist dll version:       5.3.843.843   application type:               terrain / caes ultra operating system:               1.04 total ram used active files: 339.72 kb  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                     disk space  free disk space:  6758 mb               total disk space:  7076 mb                ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   current local time:    07-01-16, 04:54:27  current service hours: 314.41 

and have many such files every day. i'm trying real newbie powershell grab information need these files , this:

$location = "d:\terrain_dia\diag01jul2016_045427.dia" $a = get-content d:\terrain_dia\diag01jul2016_045427.dia  #common $option = [system.stringsplitoptions]::removeemptyentries  #id $lineid = select-string -path $location -pattern "machine id:" | select-object -expand linenumber $id = ($a)[$lineid-1] $id -replace '(?:\s|\r|\n)',''  #name $linename = select-string -path $location -pattern "machine name:" | select-object -expand linenumber $name = ($a)[$linename-1] $name -replace '(?:\s|\r|\n)',''  #sn $linesn = select-string -path $location -pattern "display s/n:" | select-object -expand linenumber $sn = ($a)[$linesn-1] $sn -replace '(?:\s|\r|\n)',''  #version $lineversion = select-string -path $location -pattern "terrain version:" | select-object -expand linenumber $version = ($a)[$lineversion-1] $version -replace '(?:\s|\r|\n)',''  #ram $lineram = select-string -path $location -pattern "total ram" | select-object -expand linenumber $ram = ($a)[$lineram-1] $ram -replace '(?:\s|\r|\n)',''  #gpssn $linegpssn = select-string -path $location -pattern "gps receiver sn:" | select-object -expand linenumber $gpssn = ($a)[$linegpssn-1] $gpssn -replace '(?:\s|\r|\n)',''  #gpstype $linegpstype = select-string -path $location -pattern "gps receiver type:" | select-object -expand linenumber $gpstype = ($a)[$linegpstype-1] $gpstype -replace '(?:\s|\r|\n)',''  #nav $linenav = select-string -path $location -pattern "nav firmware version:" | select-object -expand linenumber $nav = ($a)[$linenav-1] $nav -replace '(?:\s|\r|\n)',''  #sig $linesig = select-string -path $location -pattern "sig firmware version:" | select-object -expand linenumber $sig = ($a)[$linesig-1] $sig -replace '(?:\s|\r|\n)',''  #rom $linerom = select-string -path $location -pattern "rom firmware version:" | select-object -expand linenumber $rom = ($a)[$linerom-1] $rom -replace '(?:\s|\r|\n)','' 

i'm getting output:

machineid:6090 machinename:wl6090 displays/n:0253g020tg terrainversion:5.3.843.843 totalramusedbyactivefiles:339.72kb gpsreceiversn:3351j508sp gpsreceivertype:ms992 navfirmwareversion:00506 sigfirmwareversion:00506 romfirmwareversion:00425 freediskspace:6758mb totaldiskspace:7076mb 

so have fixed delimiter need is:

machineid     machinename      displays/n  6090          wl6090           0253g020tg 


so need format output table within txt file , i'm going put te result ms sql db..

please advise how can format these lines powershell?

any useful.

thank you

this 1 liner process *.dia files in current folder , use regex filter lines containing colon , build condensed name value pairs , display them formatted:

select-string .\*.dia -pattern '^([^:]+):\s+(.*)$' | foreach-object { "{0,-20} {1,-25}: {2}" -f $_.filename,$($_.matches.groups[1].value -replace ' '), ($_.matches.groups[2].value) } 

sample output:

sample1.dia          currentlocaltime         : fri jul 01 04:54:27 2016 sample1.dia          currentgmttime           : thu jun 30 20:54:27 2016 sample1.dia          machineid                : 6090 sample1.dia          machinename              : wl6090 sample1.dia          displays/n               : 0253g020tg sample1.dia          terrainversion           : 5.3.843.843 sample1.dia          caestasklistdllversion   : 5.3.843.843 sample1.dia          applicationtype          : terrain / caes ultra 

the following powershell script uses same regex , build [pscustomobject] , append properties (at moment error currentlocaltime occurs twice in files , totaldiskspace on same line freediskspace)
otherwise cumulates data finds in file cumulateddia.csv saves , reimports show content via out-gridview leave 2 flaws fixing you/others.

$cumdia = ".\cumulateddia.csv" remove-item $cumdia -erroraction ignore  foreach($file in (get-childitem *.dia)){     $diafile = $null     $diafile = [pscustomobject]@{'fileorigin' = $file}     select-string -path $file -pattern '^([^:]+):\s+(.*)$' | foreach-object {         $diafile | add-member -ea silentlycontinue `             -notepropertyname ($_.matches.groups[1].value -replace ' ')`             -notepropertyvalue $_.matches.groups[2].value     }      $diafile | fl     $diafile | export-csv -path $cumdia -append -notypeinformation } import-csv $cumdia|out-gridview 

unwanted properties/columns may removed select-object. format-list output of 1 row table

fileorigin                : q:\test\2017\07\25\sample1.dia currentlocaltime          : fri jul 01 04:54:27 2016 currentgmttime            : thu jun 30 20:54:27 2016 machineid                 : 6090 machinename               : wl6090 displays/n                : 0253g020tg terrainversion            : 5.3.843.843 caestasklistdllversion    : 5.3.843.843 applicationtype           : terrain / caes ultra operatingsystem           : 1.04 totalramusedbyactivefiles : 339.72 kb freediskspace             : 6758 mb               total disk space:  7076 mb currentservicehours       : 314.41 gpsreceiversn             : 3351j508sp gpsreceivertype           : ms992 navfirmwareversion        : 00506 sigfirmwareversion        : 00506 romfirmwareversion        : 00425 

sample out-gridview pcitureenter image description here


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