c++ - Overloading new returns wrong address -

#include <iostream> using namespace std;  class station{     int n;     float *p; public:     station(){};     station(const station &ob){cout<<"copy";}     station operator=(station* a){cout<<"nai";}     ~station(){cout<<"destructor";}     static float counter;     friend istream &operator>(istream  &stream, station &d);     int &getn(){return n;};     float *&getp(){return p;};     void* operator new[](size_t size);     void* operator new(size_t size){station *a;a=::new station;return a;};   }; void* station::operator new[](size_t size){     station* a;     a=(::new station[size]);     int b;     b=(size)/(sizeof(station));     for(int i=0;i<b;i++){         cin>a[i];     }    cout<<a;     return a; }    float station::counter; istream &operator>( istream  &stream, station &d){     cout<<"dwse arithmo deigmatwn";     int num;     stream>>num;     d.getp()=new float[num];     d.getn()=num;     for(int i=0;i<num;i++){         stream>>d.getp()[i];     }     return stream; }    int main(){     station* a;     a=new station[2];     cout<<a;     return 0; } 

hello everyone, first post, forgive me mistakes of mine.

i have created new class overload of new operator , extractor. problem address returned new different 1 inside overloaded operator can see in lines cout<<a stated. however, when erase destructor goes normal. ideas?

when using new[] operator, compilers can allocate space internal bookkeeping (to store e.g. array size, when calling delete[], know how many object destroy). difference see between "raw" allocation , final array allocated object address.

that reason, why should not call delete on memory allocated via new[] , vice versa, might result in memory leaks (only fist object destroyed), accessing invalid data and/or freeing bad pointer (technically ub).


as object contents issues, not supposed initialize objects in operator new[] this

for(int i=0;i<b;i++){     cin>a[i]; } 

the operator new/new[] allocate "raw" memory.

simply remove , read object in constructor if wish (the constructors called compiler automatically each object in array), e.g.:

station(){cin >> *this}; // or '>' if want keep 

but in general, reading stream done explicitly, can example:

a=new station[2]; for(int i=0;i<2;i++){     cin>a[i]; } 

in main().


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