debugging dask - failed to detect client -

my dask groupby script failing (memory error) set off debug script. i'm running on stand-alone computer .
i've updated logging in config.yaml file with
logging: distributed: debug bokeh: debug tornado: info

i'm running dask distributed example computation following updates:

from distributed import localcluster   c=localcluster()   

and updated script range amended range(10000) .

while script runs (and completes) see following logs in jupyter notebook repeats until script completes.

bokeh.server.tornado - debug - [pid 3088] 0 clients connected
bokeh.server.tornado - debug - [pid 3088] /system has 0 sessions 0 unused bokeh.server.tornado - debug - [pid 3088] /stealing has 0 sessions 0 unused bokeh.server.tornado - debug - [pid 3088] /workers has 0 sessions 0 unused bokeh.server.tornado - debug - [pid 3088] /events has 0 sessions 0 unused bokeh.server.tornado - debug - [pid 3088] /counters has 0 sessions 0 unused bokeh.server.tornado - debug - [pid 3088] /tasks has 0 sessions 0 unused bokeh.server.tornado - debug - [pid 3088] /status has 0 sessions 0 unused

why don't see workers running?

i following log when running c = localcluster()

bokeh.server.server - info - starting bokeh server version 0.12.4
bokeh.server.server - warning - host wildcard '' can expose application http host header attacks. host wildcard should used testing purpose. bokeh.server.server - warning - host wildcard '' can expose application http host header attacks. host wildcard should used testing purpose. bokeh.server.tornado - debug - allowed host headers: [''] bokeh.server.tornado - debug - these host origins can connect websocket: [''] bokeh.server.tornado - debug - patterns are: bokeh.server.tornado - debug - [('/system/?', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/system/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/system/ws', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
{'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/system/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/system/autoload.js', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/system/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/stealing/?', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/stealing/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/stealing/ws', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
{'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/stealing/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/stealing/autoload.js', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/stealing/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/workers/?', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/workers/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/workers/ws', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
{'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/workers/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/workers/autoload.js', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/workers/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/events/?', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/events/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/events/ws', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
{'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/events/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/events/autoload.js', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/events/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/counters/?', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/counters/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/counters/ws', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
{'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/counters/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/counters/autoload.js', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/counters/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/tasks/?', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/tasks/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/tasks/ws', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
{'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/tasks/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/tasks/autoload.js', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/tasks/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/status/?', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/status/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/status/ws', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
{'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/status/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/status/autoload.js', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'application_context': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'bokeh_websocket_path': '/status/ws'}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/?', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - , bokeh.server.tornado - debug - {'applications': {'/counters': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'/events': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'/status': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'/stealing': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'/system': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'/tasks': , bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'/workers': }, bokeh.server.tornado - debug -
'prefix': '', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - 'use_redirect': true}), bokeh.server.tornado - debug - ('/static/(.*)', bokeh.server.tornado - debug - )]

the logging messages you're seeing bokeh diagnostic dashboard. they're saying no 1 looking @ diagnostic webpage. might want decrease verbosity of bokeh logging. don't think these messages concern you.

debug level logging verbose user. tends used developers when debugging.


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