cordova - Ionic 2 - Error : net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT when run on android device -

(sorry bad english)

i have built application ionic 2 android. in application need information api , it's works when run in browser (ionic serve).

the problem when run on device (android 6.0.1) issue :


then searched how resolve , tried many things.

i have cordova-plugin-whitelist , config.xml looks :

<content src="index.html" /> <allow-navigation href="*" /> <allow-intent href="*" /> <access origin="*" subdomains="true" /> 

and put in index.html :

<meta http-equiv="content-security-policy" content="default-src *; style-src * 'unsafe-inline'; script-src * 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; img-src * data: 'unsafe-inline'; connect-src * 'unsafe-inline'; frame-src *; media-src *;"> 

i have read many documentation concerning issue didn't find helpful.

can me please ?


an obvious connectivity issue stated in error.

ensure resource trying access via app directly accessible in mobile browser first. if ensure accessibility in device browser, app connectivity issue resolved sure. cheers


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