objective c - Pass data from Table View Cell to a View Controller in IOS -

i know question asked many time , had searched lot , tried many solution not worked. have made customize table view in data load service. data load quite limited , have show detail of data new view controller when user click on cell. should pass data of respective cell carries data. have tried segue technique pass data new vc fails , shows null in value i'm passing. have created labels in new vc in i'm calling values table view cell. code is,

- (void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {     if ([segue.identifier isequaltostring:@"showdetail"]) {         //do         showviewcontroller *destviewcontroller = segue.destinationviewcontroller;         nsindexpath *indexpath = [self.tableview indexpathforselectedrow];            destviewcontroller.tites = [_title objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.prce = [_price objectatindex:indexpath.row];          nslog(@"pppp %@",destviewcontroller.phon);          destviewcontroller.ara = [_landarea objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.phon = [_phone objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.citi = [_city objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.loc = [_location objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.tye = [_type objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.idss = [_id objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.nam = [_name objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.emal = [_email objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.roomss = [_rooms objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.wash = [_washroom objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.flloors = [_floor objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.stat = [_status objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.descrp = [_descrip objectatindex:indexpath.row];          destviewcontroller.countryy = [_country objectatindex:indexpath.row];      } } 

issue in question not populating _price , other arrays properly, populating _title array , fill other arrays _price, _city


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