c# 7.0 - C# Interactive not recognizing ValueTuple reference -

i cannot use tuples in c# interactive window; following error:

(1,15): error cs8137: cannot define class or member utilizes tuples because compiler required type 'system.runtime.compilerservices.tupleelementnamesattribute' cannot found. missing reference? (1,15): error cs8179: predefined type 'system.valuetuple`2' not defined or imported (2,9): error cs0103: name 'isliteraltypename' not exist in current context (2,47): error cs8179: predefined type 'system.valuetuple`2' not defined or imported (5,12): error cs8179: predefined type 'system.valuetuple`2' not defined or imported 

this after i've added reference valuetype assembly:

#r "d:\myproject\packages\system.valuetuple.4.3.1\lib\netstandard1.0\system.valuetuple.dll" 

how can make use of value tuples c# interactive window?

remove /r:system.valuetuple.dll from

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\<edition>\common7\ide\commonextensions\microsoft\managedlanguages\vbcsharp\interactivecomponents\csharpinteractive.rsp 

for visual studio 2017 ,

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\<edition>\msbuild\15.0\bin\roslyn\csi.rsp 

for command line tool (csi.exe)


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