Dart and RabbitMQ bind exchange -

i use stomp package, , wrote test:

test('can subscribe , send events mq server', () async {   stompclient client2 = await serverclient.connect(mqip,       port: mqport, login: login, passcode: password);    client2.sendjson('domain changed', {'a':'b'});   client2.disconnect();    streamcontroller controller = new streamcontroller();   stream<string> stream = controller.stream.asbroadcaststream();    stompclient client1 = await serverclient.connect(mqip,       port: mqport, login: login, passcode: password);    client1.subscribestring("entity changed", 'domain changed',       (map<string, string> headers, string message) {     controller.add(message);   }, ack: auto);    await (string message in stream) {     string expectedentity =         '{\"a\":\"b\"}';     expect(message, equals(expectedentity));     break;   }    client1.unsubscribe("entity changed");   client1.disconnect(); }, timeout: new timeout(new duration(seconds: 6))); 

when run pub run test test timed out.

in rabbitmq managment in bindings section get: (default exchange binding) , 0 in total messages:

enter image description here

is possible send , recive messages in 1 channel?

if use client1.subscribestring(ack: client,...) in rabbitmq managment 1 message "in memory" test still test timed out , can't message mq. enter image description here

maybe must set amq.fanout exchange, how can this?

best choice use rabbitmq dart: mqtt package


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