jquery - javascript slider has a wrong size -

i have slider on page: http://en.expo.b24online.com/news/ js silder is: on document ready:

$('#newscarousel').carousel({     interval:   4000   }).on('click', '.list-group li', function() {       clickevent = true;       $('.list-group li').removeclass('active');       $(this).addclass('active');   }).on('slid.bs.carousel', function(e) {     if(!clickevent) {       var count = $('.list-group').children().length -1;       var current = $('.list-group li.active');       current.removeclass('active').next().addclass('active');       var id = parseint(current.data('slide-to'));       if(count == id) {         $('.list-group li').first().addclass('active');       }     }     clickevent = false;   }); 

and on load:

var boxheight = $('#newscarousel .carousel-inner').innerheight(); var itemlength = $('#newscarousel .item').length; var triggerheight = math.round(boxheight/itemlength+1); $('#newscarousel .list-group-item').outerheight(triggerheight); $('.media-img').height(boxheight); 

it works fine on places, on website, have the:

$('#newscarousel .carousel-inner').innerheight(); 

to 133, , makes other dimensions calculate in load function wrong. couldn't find 133 come , how fix it. thank help.

.innerheight() method not applicable window , document objects; these, use .height() instead.


$('#newscarousel .carousel-inner').height(); 

hope help.


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