mongodb - how to run js file in mongo using springs -

i use following code run mongo script in js through spring data

scriptoperations scriptops = mongooperation.scriptops();  // execute script directly executablemongoscript echoscript = new executablemongoscript("function(x) { return x; }"); object ob=scriptops.execute(echoscript, "directly execute script");   system.out.println(ob);  // register script , call later scriptops.register(new namedmongoscript("runjs", "d:\\gstr3\\gstr3b.1.a.js"));"runjs", "execute script via name"); 

the "echoscript" run "runjs" gives error:

caused by: com.mongodb.commandfailureexception: { "serverused" : "/" , "ok" : 0.0 , "errmsg" : "referenceerror: runjs not defined :\n_funcs1@:1:24\n" , "code" : 139 , "codename" : "jsinterpreterfailure"} @ com.mongodb.commandresult.getexception( @ com.mongodb.commandresult.throwonerror( @ com.mongodb.db.eval( @$2.doindb( @ ... 2 more 

but if run script node.js, result:

d:\gstr3>node gstr3b.1.a.js { gstin: '27aixpt3280a1z2',   t_ival: 100003.78,   t_iamt: 0,   t_camt: 173520.1,   t_samt: 173527.69999999998,   t_itm_count: 33 } d:\gstr3> 

scriptops.register takes executablemongoscript argument, syntax: scriptops.register(executablemongoscript arg0) , namedmongoscript takes 2 arguments, syntax: namedmongoscript(string name, executablemongoscript script), never takes path of javascript.

so, can run .js script java processor , wait completion , output input stream.

try{    string nodejspath = "d:\\gstr3\\gstr3b.1.a.js";    string cmd = "node " + nodejspath;    runtime run = runtime.getruntime();    process pr = run.exec(cmd);    pr.waitfor();    } catch (interruptedexception ex) {             ex.printstacktrace();    } 


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