c# - Oracle Advanced Queues - Dequeueing Commit/Rollback -

we're attempting use oracle aq build queueing system our app in .net 4.7.

basically, our problem wrap dequeueing process in upper level transaction containing other instructions , able commit or rollback "manually" after executing queue.dequeue() instruction.

so far, works enqueueing:

using (var tr = con.begintransaction()) {     try     {         enqmsg.senderid = new oracleaqagent("subscriber1");         enqmsg.payload = new oraclexmltype(con, new xdocument(             new xelement("workflowexecution",                 new xelement("id", i),                 new xelement("workflowname", guid.newguid().tostring().substring(0, 8)),                 new xelement("requestsource", guid.newguid().tostring().substring(0, 6)))).tostring());          queue.enqueue(enqmsg);          //other instructions here...          tr.commit();     }     catch (exception)     {         tr.rollback();     } } 

with same approach, trying perform


and commit or rollback, doesn't seem work. here's dequeueing snippet:

//queue declaration queue = new oracleaqqueue("queuename", con) {     messagetype = oracleaqmessagetype.xml,     notificationconsumers = new[] { "subscriber1" },     dequeueoptions =     {         consumername = "subscriber1",         dequeuemode = oracleaqdequeuemode.remove,         visibility = oracleaqvisibilitymode.oncommit,     } };  //dequeueing process using (var tr = con.begintransaction()) {     try     {         oracleaqmessage _deqmsg = queue.dequeue();          //read payload          var reader = _deqmsg?.payload xmltextreader;          if (reader != null)         {             reader.read();             console.writeline("received message queue: " + reader.readouterxml());         }                               //further instructions...         tr.commit();     }     catch (exception ex)     {         tr.rollback();     } } 

dequeueing commits transaction , removes messages permanently queue, when executing rollback instead of commit. has clue why not working dequeueing?


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