javascript - After clicking Export to Excel. in Excel Duration time is not Displaying correct -

here trying correct duration time not able add punch in , punch out time in duration column.

in image want show correct duration time not getting duration time correct

i tried not getting correct result per requirement me. when excel file download should display correct duration time.

     @(html.kendo().grid(model)   .name("timetrackinglogsgrid")   .columns(columns =>   {       columns.bound(c => { style = "text-align:center;" });       columns.bound(c => c.isdeleted).hidden(true);       columns.bound(c => c.approvalrequired).visible((bool)viewbag.isadmin).clienttemplate("# if (approvalrequired == true && approved == false && '" + (viewbag.isadmin).tostring() + "'=== 'true') {# yes: <a data-ajax='true' data-ajax-complete='refreshgrid' data-ajax-method='post' href='/punch/approve/#:id#' class='grid-link' >approve</a>#} else{# no #}#");       columns.bound(c => c.employeename).filterable(ftb => ftb.multi(true).search(true));       columns.bound(c => c.month).filterable(ftb => ftb.multi(true));       columns.bound(c => c.punchdate)           .clientfootertemplate("#= getformattddate(data.punchdate.min) # - #= getformattddate(data.punchdate.max) # ")           .clientgroupheadertemplate("#:convetutcdatetolocaldatebyinput(value)#")           .htmlattributes(new { @class = "utc-date", utc_date_value = "#:punchdate#" });       columns.bound(c => c.punchinpic).hidden(true).visible((bool)viewbag.isadmin).clienttemplate("<img class='punchpic' width='100' src='data: image / png; base64,#:punchinpic#'/>").htmlattributes(new { style = "text-align:center;" });       columns.bound(c => c.punchin).groupable(false).filterable(false).clienttemplate("#:punchin.hours#:#:punchin.minutes#").htmlattributes(new { @class = "utc-time", utc_time_value = "#:punchin.hours#:#:punchin.minutes#" });       columns.bound(c => c.punchoutpic).hidden(true).visible((bool)viewbag.isadmin).clienttemplate("<img class='punchpic' width='100' src='data: image / png; base64,#:punchoutpic#'/>").htmlattributes(new { style = "text-align:center;" });       columns.bound(c => c.punchout).groupable(false).filterable(false).clienttemplate("#:punchout == null ? 0 :punchout.hours #:#: punchout == null ? 0 : punchout.minutes  #").htmlattributes(new { @class = "utc-time", utc_time_value = "#: punchout == null ? 0 : punchout.hours#:#:punchout == null ? 0 : punchout.minutes #" });       columns.bound(c => c.duration).groupable(false).filterable(false)           .clientfootertemplate("#= secondstotime(data.durationinseconds.sum) # ")           .clienttemplate("#:formatduration(duration.hours,duration.minutes) #").htmlattributes(new { @class = "" });       columns.bound(c => c.comments).visible((bool)viewbag.isadmin).filterable(false).groupable(false).clienttemplate("# if (approvalrequired == true && approved == false && '" + (viewbag.isadmin).tostring() + "' !== 'true') {# please time log approved #} else{#<span class='comments' (#:comments# == null ? '' : title='<ul>  #:comments# </ul>')> view <span>#}#");       columns.command(command =>       {           //    command.edit().text(" ");           command.destroy().text(" ");       }).width(50);   })   .htmlattributes(new { @class = "" })   //.scrollable()   .groupable()   .sortable()   .filterable()   .navigatable()   .columnmenu()   .toolbar(toolbar =>   {       //toolbar.create();       //;       //toolbar.pdf();       toolbar.excel();       toolbar.custom().text("clear filter").htmlattributes(new { @class = "cleargridfilter" });   })    .excel(exl => exl.allpages(true).filterable(true).filename("timesheet.xlsx")       .proxyurl(url.action("exportsave", "punch")))   .pdf(pdf => pdf       .allpages()       .title("time tracker report")       .subject("daily activity")       .avoidlinks()       .papersize("a4")       .scale(0.8)       .margin("2cm", "1cm", "1cm", "1cm")       .landscape()       .repeatheaders()       .templateid("page-template")       .filename("officegx result")       .proxyurl(url.action("exportsave", "punch"))   )   .events(events => events.databound("convertutctolocal").pdfexport("onpunchreportpdfexport").excelexport("onpunchreportexcelexport"))   //.editable(editable => editable.mode(grideditmode.incell))   .pageable(pageable => pageable       .refresh(true)       .pagesizes(new int[] { 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 })       .buttoncount(5))   .resizable(resize => resize.columns(true))   .reorderable(reorder => reorder.columns(true))   .datasource(datasource => datasource       .ajax()       .filter(f =>       {           f.add(field => field.isdeleted).isequalto(false);           //f.add(field => field.punchdate).isgreaterthan(;       })       .batch(true)       .pagesize(20)       .serveroperation(false)       .events(events => events.error("griderrorhandler"))       .aggregates(aggrgates => aggrgates.add(x => x.durationinseconds).sum())       .aggregates(aggrgates => aggrgates.add(x => x.punchdate).min())       .aggregates(aggrgates => aggrgates.add(x => x.punchdate).max())       .model(model =>       {  =>;           model.field(c =>;       })       .sort(sort =>       {           sort.add(field => field.punchdate).descending();       })        //.group(groups=> groups.add(x=>x.employeename))       .group(groups =>       {           //groups.add(x => x.month);       })        .read(read => read.action("read", "punch"))   //.create(update => update.action("add", "ticket"))   //.update(update => update.action("update", "punch"))   .destroy(update => update.action("delete", "punch"))   ) ) 

this .cs file

public class punch     {         [key]         public int id { get; set; }          public datetime punchdate { get; set; }         public timespan punchin { get; set; }         [notmapped]         public string month {                         {                 var in = timezoneinfo.converttimefromutc( + punchin,                     timezoneinfo.findsystemtimezonebyid(user.registeredtimezone));                 return in.tostring("mmmm");             }         }         public timespan? punchout { get; set; }         public int userid { get; set; }          public string userguid { get; set; }           public bool approved { get; set; }         public bool approvalrequired { get; set; }         //[scaffoldcolumn()]         public string comments { get; set; }         public string ipaddress { get; set; }         public string macaddress { get; set; }          [notmapped]         public string employeename => user != null ? $"{user.firstname} {user.lastname}" : string.empty;          public int hours         {             { return punchout.hasvalue ? convert.toint32(punchout.value.subtract(punchin).totalhours) : 0; }             set { }         }          public double durationinseconds { get; set; }           [notmapped]         public timespan duration         {                         {                 var out = punchout.hasvalue                     ? timezoneinfo.converttimefromutc( + punchout.value,                         timezoneinfo.findsystemtimezonebyid(user == null ? "india standard time" : user.registeredtimezone))                     : datetime.minvalue;                 var in = timezoneinfo.converttimefromutc( + punchin,                     timezoneinfo.findsystemtimezonebyid(user == null ? "india standard time": user.registeredtimezone));                  if (punchout.hasvalue)                 {                     var duration = new timespan(out.timeofday.hours, out.timeofday.minutes, out.timeofday.seconds) -                                 new timespan(in.timeofday.hours, in.timeofday.minutes, in.timeofday.seconds);                     return duration;                 }                 return datetime.minvalue.timeofday;             }             set { }         }          public int approvedhours         {                         {                 if (punchout != null)                     return approvalrequired                         ? (approved ? punchout.value.subtract(punchin).seconds : 0)                         : punchout.value.subtract(punchin).seconds;                 return 0;             }             set { }         } 

this .js file

function onpunchreportexcelexport(e) {     var sheet = e.workbook.sheets[0];     var rows = sheet.rows;     var rowidx, colidx, cells, cell;      (rowidx = 0; rowidx < rows.length; rowidx++) {         if (rows[rowidx].type === "data") {             cells = rows[rowidx].cells;             var color = "#ffffff";             if (cells[0].value === true) {                 color = "#ff0000";             }             (colidx = sheet.freezepane.colsplit; colidx < cells.length; colidx++) {                 debugger;                 cell = cells[colidx];                  cell.background = color;                 //cell.value = kendo.tostring(cell.value, "c");                 if (colidx === 6) {                     cell.value = cell.value.hours + ":" + cell.value.minutes;                 }                 else if (cell.value !== undefined && cell.value !== null && cell.value.hours !== undefined) {                     cell.value = utctimetolocaltime(cell.value.hours + ":" + cell.value.minutes);                 }                 else if (cell.value !== undefined && cell.value !== null && cell.value === true) {                     cell.value = "yes";                 }                 else if (cell.value !== undefined && cell.value !== null && cell.value === false) {                     cell.value = "no";                 }             }         }     } } $(function () {     var exportflag = false;     $("#timetrackinglogsgrid").data("kendogrid").bind("excelexport",         function (e) {             if (!exportflag) {                 var sheet = e.workbook.sheets[0];                 var columns = e.sender.columns;                 //jquery.each(columns,                 //    function (index) {                 //        if (this.template) {                 //            var template = kendo.template(this.template);                  //            (var = 1; < sheet.rows.length; i++) {                 //                var row = sheet.rows[i];                  //                var dataitem = {                 //                    unitprice: row.cells[index].value                 //                };                  //                row.cells[index].value = template(dataitem);                 //            }                 //        }                 //    });                  //var columns = e.sender.columns;                 //jquery.each(columns,                 //    function (index) {                 //        if (this.attributes !== undefined && this.attributes.class !== undefined) {                 //            if (this.attributes.class === "excel-export-field-hide") {                 //                this.hidden = true;                 //            }                 //            if (this.attributes.class === "excel-export-field-show") {                 //                this.hidden = false;                 //            }                 //        }                 //    });                 //e.sender.showcolumn(e.sender.columns.length + 1);                 e.preventdefault();                 exportflag = true;                 settimeout(function () {                         e.sender.saveasexcel();                     },                     1000);             } else {                 // e.sender.hidecolumn(0);                 //e.sender.hidecolumn(e.sender.columns.length + 1);                 exportflag = false;             }         }); }); 

enter image description here


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