How to combine two different Parameter arrays into a single array using Loadrunner? -

i using loadrunner vugen script. in script use web_reg_save_param saving array. instance;

web_reg_save_param("timeslot","lb={\"datetime\":\"","rb=\",\"status\"", "ord=all",last); web_reg_save_param("timeslot1","lb={\"datetime\":\"","rb=\",\"status\"", "ord=all",last); 

we different timeslots in each request. need combine these 2 arrays single array values.

any pointers help.

here code should (roughly) like, assuming go loadrunner array called alltimeslots. code directly head keyboard without execution in loadrunner, take small defects par course type of on paper draft.

int  index,      timeslot_limit,      timeslot1_limit; char arrayname[20]="",      sourcename[20]="";      ...  timeslot_limit=atoi( lr_eval_string("{timeslot_count}") ); timeslot1_limit=atoi( lr_eval_string("{timeslot1_count}") ); //conversion once avoid constant hit on atoi() conversion inside of loop  ( index=1, index<=timeslot_limit, index++ ) {    sprintf( arrayname, "alltimeslots_%d", index );    sprintf( sourcename, "{timeslot_%d}", index );    lr_save_string( lr_eval_string(sourcename), arrayname ); }  ( index=1, index<=timeslot1_limit, index++ ) {    sprintf( arrayname, "alltimeslots_%d", ( index+timeslot_limit ) );    sprintf( sourcename, "{timeslot1_%d}", index );    lr_save_string( lr_eval_string(sourcename), arrayname ); }  lr_save_int( ( timeslot_limit+timeslot1_limit ), "alltimeslots_count" ); 

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