ng2 file upload - Angular 2: Can't bind to 'uploader' since it isn't a known property of 'input' -

im trying integrate ng2-file-upload module application.

and im getting template error: can't bind 'uploader' since isn't known property of 'input'

update folder str:

/src/app/app.module.ts  /src/app/components/layout/                            layout.module.ts                            other layout components files                    /category-items                             category-items.module.ts                             category-items.component.ts 

in layout.module.ts

import { layoutcomponent } './layout.component';  declarations: [     layoutcomponent, 

in category-items.module.ts

import { categoryitemscomponent } './category-items.component';  import {fileuploadmodule} "ng2-file-upload";     imports: [  ...fileuploadmodule ... ]    


 import {fileuploadmodule} "ng2-file-upload";      imports: [  ...fileuploadmodule ... ]   


import { fileuploader } 'ng2-file-upload';  @component({   selector: 'button-view',   template: `    <input type="file" class="form-control" name="single" ng2fileselect [uploader]="uploader" />       `   })  export class buttonviewcomponent implements viewcell, oninit {  ...  public uploader:fileuploader = new fileuploader({url:'http://lcoalhost:5000/upload'});  }  @component({   selector: 'app-category-items',   templateurl: './category-items.component.html',   styleurls: ['./category-items.component.scss'] })  export class categoryitemscomponent implements oninit { ... } 

or if try out below: unexpected closing div tag

<div ng2filedrop          (fileover)-'fileoverbase($event)'          [uploader]="uploader"          class="well my-drop-zone">         base drop zone     </div> 

i have tried multiple combinations of imports 'fileuploadmodule' in app.module in various posts, none seems work in case.

error stack trace:

"uncaught (in promise): error: template parse errors:↵can't bind 'uploader' since isn't known property of 'input'. ("↵ ↵

have googled many posts solutions same:

some of references were: (but none helping)

you need import fileuploadmodule in module declares component using 'upload' in case category-items.module.ts


import { categoryitemscomponent } './category-items.component';  import { fileuploadmodule } "ng2-file-upload";   //should import here  imports: [  ...fileuploadmodule ... ]   //right place 


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