swift - Code not working for dismissing Keyboard -

i trying create code dismissing keyboard when touching outside keyboard or when pressing return button. ofcourse not working :d why asking here. how can make work? doesn't give error not responding.

if there simpler solution, welcome provide.

thank time , answer!

here full code:

import uikit  class entryviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, uitextfielddelegate {      @iboutlet weak var useremailadresinput: uitextfield!      @iboutlet weak var userpasswordinput: uitextfield!      @iboutlet weak var userpasswordinputrepeated: uitextfield!      @iboutlet weak var usersignup: uibutton!      override func viewdidload() {         super.viewdidload()          self.useremailadresinput.delegate = self         self.userpasswordinput.delegate = self         self.userpasswordinputrepeated.delegate = self       }      override func didreceivememorywarning() {         super.didreceivememorywarning()         // dispose of resources can recreated.     }     @ibaction func signup(_ sender: any) {          let useremail = useremailadresinput.text;         let userpassword = userpasswordinput.text;         let userpasswordrepeated = userpasswordinputrepeated.text;          //hide keyboard upon touch          func touchesbegan(_ touches: set<uitouch>, event: uievent?){             self.view.endediting(true)         }          //hide keyboard upon return key         func textfieldshouldreturn(textfield: uitextfield) -> bool {             useremailadresinput.resignfirstresponder()             return (true)           }          //check if fields filled in correctly          if(useremail?.isempty == true || userpassword?.isempty == true || userpasswordrepeated?.isempty == true){              displayalertmessage(usermessage: "alle velden moeten ingevuld worden");             return;          }          if(userpassword != userpasswordrepeated){              displayalertmessage(usermessage: "wachtwoorden zijn niet gelijk");             return;         }          //store data         userdefaults.standard.set(useremail, forkey: "useremail");         userdefaults.standard.set(userpassword, forkey: "userpassword");         userdefaults.standard.synchronize();          //signup succesfull         var alert = uialertcontroller(title:"succesvol aangemeld!", message: "ga naar je email inbox om je aanmelding te voltooien", preferredstyle: uialertcontrollerstyle.alert);          let okaction = uialertaction(title:"ok", style: uialertactionstyle.default, handler: nil);          alert.addaction(okaction);         self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)       }      func displayalertmessage(usermessage:string){          var alert = uialertcontroller(title:"alert", message: usermessage, preferredstyle: uialertcontrollerstyle.alert);          let okaction = uialertaction(title:"ok", style: uialertactionstyle.default, handler: nil);          alert.addaction(okaction);          self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)      }  } 

below uitextfield delegate method use resign textfield on press on return button on keyboard.

func textfieldshouldreturn(textfield: uitextfield) -> bool {             if textfield == useremailadresinput{                  useremailadresinput.resignfirstresponder()             } else if textfield == userpasswordinput{                  userpasswordinput.resignfirstresponder()             } else {                  userpasswordinputrepeated.resignfirstresponder()             }             return true    } 

and put touchesbegan , textfieldshouldreturn method outside signup method.


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