Git submodule raises import error once used in python project -

i'm using git-submodule in python project.

the submodule project looks this:

-submodule_project     -     -     - parsing_util         -         -         - imports structure works fine submodule independent project.

my project built this:

-project     -     -     - some_dir         -         - 

so once use submodule git submodule in project, raises importerror. happens once line imports ran. clarify: imports, imports

can explain me i'm doing wrong, , available solutions fix this?

here's .gitmodules file:

[submodule "submodule_project"] path = submodule_project url = ../submodule_project.git 

thanks in advance of you!

git submodules annoying work (at least last time played around them). i'd recommend against using submodules , using python's own dependency management. submodule_project have own unique name , packaged in releases myparser-1.2.1, , main project depend on package

problems git submodules (from git documentation):

  • when clone [a project submodules], default directories contain submodules, none of files within them yet
  • you must run 2 commands: git submodule init initialize local configuration file, , git submodule update fetch data project , check out appropriate commit listed in superproject
  • if create new branch, add submodule there, , switch branch without submodule, still have submodule directory untracked directory
  • removing directory isn’t difficult, can bit confusing have in there. if remove , switch branch has submodule, need run submodule update --init repopulate it.
  • it’s quite if you’re using submodules, you’re doing because want work on code in submodule @ same time you’re working on code in main project (or across several submodules). otherwise instead using simpler dependency management system (such maven or rubygems).

problems git submodules (my own observations):

  • you find submodules in weird states:
    • you wanted peg submodule @ specific git commit, it's drifted somehow , top level project says there changes involving submodule.
    • somehow file keep changing inside submodule directory , git complains unstaged changes in either top level or submodule.
    • you wanted submodule track master, it's not working correctly , you've got merge commits aren't upstream.
  • it's annoying enough update , init 1 level deep submodules, if 1 of submodules uses submodules?
  • a lot of third-party tools don't work submodules. i've found lot of third-party tools (like ides or web interfaces git) don't treat core parts of git (dealing staging area, merges, rebases, squashing, writing formatted commit messages, etc), they're bad @ features experienced git users ever use.

you don't mention how , set submodule top level project. might more helpful if pasted .gitmodules file top level project.


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