How to set Google Cloud Storage setting "Share publicly" false and show a checkbox in front of filename -

when upload image node.js application, image uploaded publicly since public link available. want upload image privately

const storage = storage({   projectid: config["googleprojectid"] });  (var key in cloud_bucket){   bucketreference[key] = storage.bucket(cloud_bucket[key]);  } const gcsname = "your."+extension; if(bucketreference[tag]){     file = bucketreference[tag].file(gcsname);   } 

this uploading image baseurl/bucket_name/your.jpeg public link available , can see pasting in url , signing in gmail.

i want bring checkbox instead of public link on upload (as happens when manually upload on storage).

please out in resolving !

got answer !

const stream = file.createwritestream({     metadata: {       contenttype: "image/jpeg",     },     predefinedacl: "bucketownerread"//shows no checkbox since project owner has reader access , no 1 accept object owner can see images     predefinedacl: "bucketownerfullcontrol" //shows checkbox , shows image project owners   }); 

"predefinedacl" key. makes image while upload public or private.

this allows project team owners access make urls public or view urls in incognito after signing in.


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