c# - OpenXML strange behaviour with font-size -

i using dll create methods generates me logic create paragraph based on parameters passed:

for example on c# code have this:

    // document permission title     docrun accesstypetitle  = new docrun();     run permissiontitle = accesstypetitle.createparagraph("document access", paragraphcolor,fontsizetext,defaultfont); 

i have method on dll logic:

 public class docrun     {         public run createparagraph(string text, string colorval, string fontsize,string font)         {             run run = new run() { rsidrunproperties = "00c53974" };              runproperties runproperties = new runproperties();             runfonts runfonts = new runfonts() { ascii = font, highansi = font, eastasia = "segoe ui", complexscript = font };             color color = new color() { val = colorval };             //kern kern = new kern() { val = (uint32value)24u };             fontsize fontsize11 = new fontsize() { val = fontsize };             fontsizecomplexscript fontsizecomplexscript11 = new fontsizecomplexscript() { val = fontsize };              runproperties.append(runfonts);             runproperties.append(color);             //runproperties.append(kern);             runproperties.append(fontsize11);             runproperties.append(fontsizecomplexscript11);             text t = new text(text)             {                 text = text,                 space = spaceprocessingmodevalues.preserve             };              run.append(runproperties);             run.append(t);              return run;          }      } } 

after return run, can same images nd other paragraph , append them doc this:

   var stream = new memorystream();     using (wordprocessingdocument doc = wordprocessingdocument.create(stream, wordprocessingdocumenttype.document, true))     {         maindocumentpart mainpart = doc.addmaindocumentpart();          // logo company construction         docimage companylogo = new docimage();         run imagelogo = companylogo.imagecreator(mainpart,companylogopath,companyimagename,companylogowidth,companylogoheight,companyimagealing);          docimage titleshape = new docimage();         run imageshape = titleshape.imagecreator(mainpart, shapeimagepath, titleshapeimagename, titleshapewidth, titleshapeheight,shapeimagealing);          docimage clientimage = new docimage();         run clientlogo = titleshape.imagecreatorurl(mainpart, shapeimagepath, titleshapeimagename, titleshapewidthclientlogo, titleshapeheightclientlogo, clientimagealign,clientlogopath);          new document(new body()).save(mainpart);          body body = mainpart.document.body;          body.append(new paragraph(                  new run(imagelogo)));          body.append(new paragraph(                  new run(imageshape)));          body.append(new paragraph(                new run(projectnametxt)));          body.append(new paragraph(                 new run(clientlogo)));          body.append(new paragraph(                 new run(datetxt)));          body.append(new paragraph(                 new run(permissiontitle)));          body.append(new paragraph(                 new run(permission)));          body.append(new paragraph(                 new run(disclaimertitletxt)));          body.append(new paragraph(                 new run(disclaimerdescriptiontxt)));          mainpart.document.save();        }     stream.seek(0, seekorigin.begin);     directory.createdirectory(hostingenvironment.mappath(documentslocation));     system.io.file.writeallbytes(hostingenvironment.mappath("~/files/test5.docx"), stream.toarray());  } 

my problem document generated font size half of real size defined on openxml dll created.

i debuged fontsize pass parameter , fontsize received on dll correct one, going on?

thanks guys,

the fontsize specified value measures in half-points. if need 11 point font, need specify value 22.

this documented on page 13 in e-book "open xml explained" wouter van vugt.
