web services - flex Gathering the result from my wsdll webservice -

hey have wsdll webservice, im trying result via flex.

but can see im doing wrong attributes, can't seem see error is.

the webservice looks this

  <soap:body>     <getmeetingpictureresponse xmlns="http://picture.zaqsolutions.com/picture">       <getmeetingpictureresult>         <meetingpicture>           <meetingid>string</meetingid>           <image>base64binary</image>           <image1>base64binary</image1>           <image2>base64binary</image2>           <name>string</name>           <name1>string</name1>           <name2>string</name2>           <host>string</host>           <eid>int</eid>         </meetingpicture>         <meetingpicture>           <meetingid>string</meetingid>           <image>base64binary</image>           <image1>base64binary</image1>           <image2>base64binary</image2>           <name>string</name>           <name1>string</name1>           <name2>string</name2>           <host>string</host>           <eid>int</eid>         </meetingpicture>       </getmeetingpictureresult>     </getmeetingpictureresponse>   </soap:body> 

and call im making this

alert.show(wsdll.getmeetingpicture.lastresult.getmeetingpictureresult.meetingpicture.name, "alert box", alert.ok); 

but gives me no result?


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