sharepoint online - C# CSOM SPView ListItemCollection did not update after I add new field in the SP view -

spclientcontext.credentials = new sharepointonlinecredentials(username, securepassword);  // web spweb = spclientcontext.web; list splist_csv = spweb.lists.getbytitle("supplier master list");  view spview_csv = splist_csv.views.getbytitle("_data pending export csv");//oracle export field  spclientcontext.load(spview_csv); spclientcontext.executequery();  camlquery query = new camlquery(); query.viewxml = spview_csv.viewquery;  listitemcollection items = splist_csv.getitems(query); spclientcontext.load(items); spclientcontext.executequery();  foreach (var item in items) {    //some field/item missing? } 

hi, using code above retrieve data sharepoint online. @ first, working fine.

but, when add in new column view _data pending export csv on sharepoint online, found out new added field missing. idea?

ok. found out others issue, lookup field on limit. did fix change lookup field single line of text field, use workflow fill new single line of text field.


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