Can't create the correct filter for my elasticsearch query -
i've problem set correct filter. query looks this:
{ "query" : { "bool" : { "must" : [ { "query_string" : { "query" : "example~", "analyzer" : "standard", "default_operator" : "or", "fuzziness" : "auto" } }, { "term" : { "client" : { "value" : "myclient", "boost" : 1 } } }, { "range" : { "datecreate" : { "gte" : "2016-01-01t00:00:00+0200", "lte" : "2016-12-31t23:59:59+0200" } } }, { "match" : { "lang" : "php or java" } } ] } }, "size" : 10, "from" : 0, "sort" : [ { "_score" : { "order" : "desc" } } ] }
the "lang" field of type text.
expectation documents given query string , want select documents have "php" or "java" in lang field. lang fields contain either "php" or "java" never both strings thought using exact matching can't got work.
result list of 2 documents total_count=2510.
one of documents doesn't match:
{ "id" : "d3295f18-a033-4934-941a-21a8bef901e8", "client" : "myclient", "lang" : "php", "author" : null, "datecreate" : "2016-03-31t00:00:00+0200", "title" : "sample document", "content" : "this short text describing deocument." }
yes, client field of type text.
field must either of keyword
type use term query or change query client term
{ "match" : { "client" : { "query" : "myclient", "boost" : 1 } } }
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