jquery - Using .val().length != 0 to show textbox -

i working survey, note section after every question. notes should come after pressing end or f10 first time. after skipping ahead question 2, , going question 1, note section question 1 should again hidden if there no notes.

however, if there writing in notes section @ all, want them remain visible after returning question 1 question 2.

i trying accomplish using .val().length != 0 display notes if there 1 character written. i'm not sure if issue here .val().length or preventdefault command, want prevent default action in case not display notes.

<style> #[% questionname() %]_div {display:none} </style>   <script>  $(document).keydown(checknote); function checknote(f){ f = f || window.event; if (f.keycode == '121' || f.keycode == '35'){     f.preventdefault(f);     $("#[% questionname() %]_div").css('display', 'block');     } }  function displaynote(d){     d = d || window.event;     if  ($("#[% questionname() %]_div").val().length != 0) {         d.preventdefault(d);         $("#[% questionname() %]_div").css('display', 'block');           }       } <script> 

if tell me issue might or provide alternative .val().length != 0 if that's problem, helpful.


is element #[% questionname() %]_div input?

$(...).val() works input elements (if call function on, say, div, return empty string).

if it's div working with, use $(...).text() or $(...).html() retrieve content.


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