objective c - RestKit resolve objects given an id or partial representation in JSON -

i have json array, like:

[{         "name": "john smith",         "occupationid": 3     },     {         "name": "steven davis",         "occupationid": 2     } ] 

the occupation response looks like:

[{         "id": 2,         "name": "teacher"     },     {         "id": 3,         "name": "teaching assistant"     } ] 

is there way allow restkit request correct data occupations, given id? know can done if data persisted using coredata, via addconnectionforrelationship:connectedby: method, rather data transient, given server local , there no need persist data. i'm aware rkobjectmapping not support identifiactionattributes property, meaning cannot (to knowledge) designate way allow class declare unique, identifying property.

any appreciated. using mix of objective-c , swift, , such, not mind answers in either language.


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