- C# - NReco.PdfGenerator non english character not rendering -

i using nreco.pdfgenerator library generate pdf html. working fine english language. required include non-english language(marathi) , in case not working expected. rendering black boxes.

this action method:

public actionresult assesment_downloadresultsummarydata(string htmlcontent){   var htmltopdf = new htmltopdfconverter();                     var margins = new pagemargins();                     margins.bottom = 10; // margins.left = 5;margins.right = 5;            = 10;                     htmltopdf.margins = margins;                     htmltopdf.customwkhtmlpageargs = "--enable-smart-shrinking  --encoding <encoding>";                     htmltopdf.pagefooterhtml = $@"page <span class=""page""></span> of <span class=""topage""></span><br />";                     //htmltopdf.orientation = nreco.pdfgenerator.pageorientation.portrait;                     htmltopdf.zoom = 1.0f;                     return file(htmltopdf.generatepdf(htmlcontent, null), "application/pdf","myfile.pdf");  } 

i tried using

 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> 

but not working. put try on decoding unicode :

      byte[] utf8bytes = encoding.default.getbytes(htmlcontent);         byte[] utf16bytes = encoding.convert(encoding.utf8, encoding.unicode, utf8bytes);  htmlcontent = encoding.unicode.getstring(utf16bytes); 

this not worked me. html contains characters विषय,मूल्यांकन प्रकार . in pdf showing मà¥​लà¥​यांकन निकाल

some part of htmlcontent:

   <tbody><tr>                     <td  colspan="6"><p><b>मुल्यांकन निकाल</b></p></td>             </tr>             <tr>                  <td style="width:5%"><h4><b>वर्ग :</b></h4></td>                 <td style="width:10%;text-align:left;"><h4><b>class 1-a</b></h4></td>                 <td style="width:10%"><h4><b>बॅच :</b></h4></td>                 <td style="width:40%;text-align:left;"><h4><b> 25-07-2017-class 1-a-general knowledge-english-1</b></h4></td>                 <td style="width:20%"><h4><b>विद्यार्थ्यांची एकूण संख्या :</b></h4></td>                 <td style="width:10%"><h4><b>18</b></h4></td>             </tr>             <tr >                 <td style="width:20%"><h4><b>विषय :</b></h4></td>                 <td style="width:10%;text-align:left;"><h4><b>english</b></h4></td>                 <td style="width:10%"><h4><b>विषय :</b></h4></td>                 <td style="width:30%;text-align:left;"><h4><b>general knowledge</b></h4></td>                 <td style="width:20%"><h4><b>उपस्थित विद्यार्थी संख्या :</b></h4></td>                 <td style="width:10%"><h4><b>17</b></h4></td>             </tr>          </tbody> 

any appreciated.

i posting answer because in case 1 facing same problem helped:

i found solution problem using selectpdf insted of nreco .

some sample code:

public actionresult convertopdf(string htmlcontent)         {             try             {                  // instantiate html pdf converter object                 htmltopdf converter = new htmltopdf();                 pdfpagesize pagesize = pdfpagesize.a4;                 pdfpageorientation pdforientation = pdfpageorientation.portrait;                 int webpagewidth = 1024;                 // set converter options                 converter.options.pdfpagesize = pagesize;                 converter.options.pdfpageorientation = pdforientation;                 converter.options.webpagewidth = webpagewidth;                 converter.options.marginleft = 10;                 converter.options.marginright = 10;                 converter.options.margintop = 5;                 converter.options.marginbottom = 5;                 //converter.options.webpageheight = webpageheight;                  // create new pdf document converting url                 pdfdocument doc = converter.converthtmlstring(htmlcontent);                  // save pdf document                 byte[] pdf =;                  // close pdf document                 doc.close();                  // return resulted pdf document                 fileresult fileresult = new filecontentresult(pdf, "application/pdf");                 fileresult.filedownloadname = "document.pdf";                 return fileresult; } 


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