swift - How do I update a UITableView on a timer while scrolling -
my problem complicated explain best explain it.
i'm doing swift application tableview. in tableview, have data store in local (dictionnary, arrays, var, ...). so, in tableview i'm refreshing datas every 0.01 second. then, when scroll tableview refresh stopped , don't want it. want "continue refresh".
someone can explain how can it? search on stackoverflow , answer : thread. understood thread in c it's vague me in swift. if have exercise train multithreading in swift can post !
thanks time.
p.s: can post code don't think it's necessary question.
there code timer , update
override func viewdidload() { timer = timer.scheduledtimer(timeinterval: 0.01, target: self, selector:#selector(viewcontroller.updatetimer), userinfo: nil, repeats: true) } func updatetimer () { var j = 0 _ in rows { if (rows[j]["activ"] as! bool == true ) { rows[j]["timer"] = (rows[j]["timer"] as! double + 0.01) anyobject } j += 1 } mytableview.reloaddata() }
so, happens because timer
works in same dispatchqueue
scrolling in uitableview
. can solve problem using, example, asynctimer.
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