javascript - Openlayers source tileWMS? TypeError: a.addEventListener is not a function -

i want add features tile map, problem ocurred when try use


the error message is:

typeerror: a.addeventlistener not function

however works with


my code:

var projection = new ol.proj.projection({     code: 'epsg:32719',     extent: [441867.78, 1116915.04, 833978.56, 10000000.00] });  var extent = [576631.5686027373,8119272.722829757,655823.9357532839,8286730.359291008];  var wmssource = new  ol.source.tilewms({     url: '',     params: {'layers': 'layer'},     ratio: 1,     servertype: 'geoserver' });  var wmslayers = [     new ol.layer.tile({         extent: extent,         source: wmssource     }) ];  var raster = new ol.layer.tile({     source: new ol.source.osm() });  var source = new ol.source.vector({wrapx: false});  var vector = new ol.layer.vector({     source: source });  var view = new ol.view({     projection: projection,     center: [593169.72792, 8174979.55243],     //center: ol.proj.fromlonlat([-16.5088, -68.1388], projection),     extent: extent,     zoom: 12 });  var map = new{     controls: ol.control.defaults().extend([         new ol.control.scaleline()     ]),     layers: [wmslayers, vector],     target: 'map',     view: view });  var draw; // global can remove later  function addinteraction(){     draw = new ol.interaction.draw({         source: source,         type: 'point'     });     map.addinteraction(draw); }  map.on('singleclick', function(evt) {     var coordinate = map.geteventcoordinate(evt.originalevent);     console.log(coordinate);     document.getelementbyid('latitud').value = coordinate[0];     document.getelementbyid('longitud').value = coordinate[1];     addinteraction(); });  addinteraction(); 

just change line change layer, when use osm, ok... when use tilewms error appear

layers: [wmslayers, vector],

is there conflict tilewms , vector source? expects array of layers - first object in array array.

try this:

var wmslayer = new ol.layer.tile({    extent: extent,    source: wmssource });  var map = new{    layers: [wmslayer, vector],    target: 'map',    view: view }); 


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