sql - Updating large number of records without an index on a nvarchar column -

is there way relatively update large number of records in sql server 2014, filtering on nvarchar(x) column, when there no index on column?

eg. i'd run:

update products  set active = 1  productbrand = 'brand name' 

on product table millions of rows, , there no index on productbrand.

creation of index takes around 45 minutes , update table bit faster.

we want perform operation fastest way possible, creating index takes lots of time. wandering if there other ways using index.

(creating index on name column , leaving there of course practice, rebuilding time time)

check product table, maybe have index on productbrandid, if not, can create new tmpproduct table same structure , default 1 in "active" field.

insert registers new table

drop original table , rename tmpproduct product

you must ensure triggers , references recreated


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