windows - CopyFile succeed, MoveFile fails with the same parameters - C++ -

i dealing frustrating problem in c++. need use movefile function fails. right using copyfile this:

partialresult = l"d:\\cppwork\\test2\\dectobin.exe"; finala = l"d:\\cppwork\\test2\\pefiles_\\dectobin.exe";  if (0 == copyfile(partialresult, finala,b)) {/////    dword err = getlasterror();    std::cout << " -> copy fail" << std::endl; } 

copy works ok if replace copyfile movefile (without changing paths) fails code 0x20 (msdn doc ->error_file_not_found). if try replace movefile copyfile , deletefile file previews path, copy works delete fails again error_file_not_found.

bool b = false; if (0 == copyfile(partialresult, finala,b)) {//copy works when try delete file give error     dword err = getlasterror();     std::cout << " -> copy fail" << std::endl;     outfile   << " -> copy fail" << std::endl;  }   else {     std::cout << " -> copy done" << std::endl;     outfile   << " -> copy done" << std::endl;     if (!deletefile(partialresult))         dword err= getlasterror(); //error "error_file_not_found"   } 

has ideea happening here? thanks.

i have solved problem createfile marking them delete after process has finish this:

 createfile(path, generic_read,file_share_delete,null, open_existing, file_flag_delete_on_close,null); 

thank :)


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