angular - ngrx store subscribe to change in item in collection -

i'm using latest angular 4 , @ngrx/store. let's have object:

export interface layer {     id: number;     name: string;     selected: boolean;     data: any; } 

i have created component user can select or deselect layer. i'm trying use show , hide layers in mapbox-gl. selected property of layer object gets turned true or false.

i created actions:

export const show_layer = '[layers] show layer'; export const hide_layer = '[layers] hide layer';  export class showlayeraction implements action {   readonly type = show_layer;    constructor(public payload: number) { } }  export class hidelayeraction implements action {   readonly type = hide_layer;    constructor(public payload: number) { } }  export type actions   = showlayeraction   | hidelayeraction; 

i created reducer:

export interface layersstate {     ids: number[];     entities: { [id: number]: layer }; }  const initialstate: layersstate = {     ids: [ 1 ],     entities: {         1: {              id: 1,              mapboxid: 'stations',             name: 'stations',              selected: true,             data: {                 'id': 'stations',                 'type': 'symbol',                 'source': {                     type: 'vector',                     url: 'mapbox://oliverschenk.3avhfmqh'                 },                 'layout': {                     'visibility': 'visible',                     'text-field': '{name}',                     'text-size': 11,                     'text-offset': [2.5, -1]                 },                 'paint': {                     'text-color': '#f1be48',                     'text-opacity': 0.5                 },                 'source-layer': 'stations-629auy'             }         }     }  };  export function reducer(state = initialstate, action: layers.actions): layersstate {     switch (action.type) {          case layers.show_layer:         case layers.hide_layer:              return {                 ids: state.ids,                 entities: object.assign({}, state.entities, {                     [action.payload]: object.assign({}, state.entities[action.payload], {                         selected: (action.type == layers.show_layer)                     })                 })             }          default:             return state;     } }  export const getids = (state: layersstate) => state.ids;  export const getentities = (state: layersstate) => state.entities; 

in mapbox-gl container need told when state changes can call appropriate mapbox api method either show or hide layer based on selected field.

in constructor subscribe layers state.

constructor(private store: store<fromroot.state>) {              .do(layers => this.initlayers(layers))              .take(1)              .switchmap(layers =>              .skip(1)              .do(layers => this.updatelayervisibility(layers))              .subscribe((layers) => {});     } 

the first part takes first item , initialises layers in mapbox first pass, following take care of showing or hiding layer.

the issue returns layers , not ones changed. there way can organise code better somehow update visibility of layer selected property changed?

at stage have 1 layer, surely it's not best solution keep looping through entire layers collection , update them when 1 layer's visibility changes?


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