Create an Azure VM with an unmanaged disk -
i'm trying create azure vm unmanaged disk via powershell since managed disks aren't supported in azure government yet.
none of documentation find powershell vm creation references managed or unmanaged disks , default seems managed disks. vm creation fails following error:
new-azurermvm : managed disks not supported in region.
errorcode: badrequest
here's script i'm using:
$location = "usgovtexas" new-azurermresourcegroup -name myresourcegroup -location $location # create subnet configuration $subnetconfig = new-azurermvirtualnetworksubnetconfig -name mysubnet -addressprefix # create virtual network $vnet = new-azurermvirtualnetwork -resourcegroupname myresourcegroup -location $location ` -name myvnet -addressprefix -subnet $subnetconfig # create public ip address , specify dns name $pip = new-azurermpublicipaddress -resourcegroupname myresourcegroup -location $location ` -allocationmethod static -idletimeoutinminutes 4 -name "mypublicdns$(get-random)" # create inbound network security group rule port 3389 $nsgrulerdp = new-azurermnetworksecurityruleconfig -name mynetworksecuritygrouprulerdp -protocol tcp ` -direction inbound -priority 1000 -sourceaddressprefix * -sourceportrange * -destinationaddressprefix * ` -destinationportrange 3389 -access allow # create inbound network security group rule port 80 $nsgruleweb = new-azurermnetworksecurityruleconfig -name mynetworksecuritygrouprulewww -protocol tcp ` -direction inbound -priority 1001 -sourceaddressprefix * -sourceportrange * -destinationaddressprefix * ` -destinationportrange 80 -access allow # create network security group $nsg = new-azurermnetworksecuritygroup -resourcegroupname myresourcegroup -location $location ` -name mynetworksecuritygroup -securityrules $nsgrulerdp,$nsgruleweb # create virtual network card , associate public ip address , nsg $nic = new-azurermnetworkinterface -name mynic -resourcegroupname myresourcegroup -location $location ` -subnetid $vnet.subnets[0].id -publicipaddressid $ -networksecuritygroupid $ # define credential object $cred = get-credential # create virtual machine configuration $vmconfig = new-azurermvmconfig -vmname myvm -vmsize standard_ds2_v2 | ` set-azurermvmoperatingsystem -windows -computername myvm -credential $cred | ` set-azurermvmsourceimage -publishername microsoftwindowsserver -offer windowsserver ` -skus 2016-datacenter -version latest | add-azurermvmnetworkinterface -id $ # create virtual machine new-azurermvm -resourcegroupname myresourcegroup -location $location -vm $vmconfig
we can use script create azure windows vm unmanaged disk:
$location = "usgovtexas" $rgname = "myresourcegroup" new-azurermresourcegroup -name myresourcegroup -location $location # create subnet configuration $subnetconfig = new-azurermvirtualnetworksubnetconfig -name mysubnet -addressprefix # create virtual network $vnet = new-azurermvirtualnetwork -resourcegroupname myresourcegroup -location $location ` -name myvnet -addressprefix -subnet $subnetconfig # create public ip address , specify dns name $pip = new-azurermpublicipaddress -resourcegroupname myresourcegroup -location $location ` -allocationmethod static -idletimeoutinminutes 4 -name "mypublicdns$(get-random)" # create inbound network security group rule port 3389 $nsgrulerdp = new-azurermnetworksecurityruleconfig -name mynetworksecuritygrouprulerdp -protocol tcp ` -direction inbound -priority 1000 -sourceaddressprefix * -sourceportrange * -destinationaddressprefix * ` -destinationportrange 3389 -access allow # create inbound network security group rule port 80 $nsgruleweb = new-azurermnetworksecurityruleconfig -name mynetworksecuritygrouprulewww -protocol tcp ` -direction inbound -priority 1001 -sourceaddressprefix * -sourceportrange * -destinationaddressprefix * ` -destinationportrange 80 -access allow # create network security group $nsg = new-azurermnetworksecuritygroup -resourcegroupname myresourcegroup -location $location ` -name mynetworksecuritygroup -securityrules $nsgrulerdp,$nsgruleweb # create virtual network card , associate public ip address , nsg $nic = new-azurermnetworkinterface -name mynic -resourcegroupname myresourcegroup -location $location ` -subnetid $vnet.subnets[0].id -publicipaddressid $ -networksecuritygroupid $ # define credential object $cred = get-credential #vm config $vmsize = "standard_ds2" $vmname="myvm" $vm = new-azurermvmconfig -vmname $vmname -vmsize $vmsize $pubname = ”microsoftwindowsserver” $offername = ”windowsserver” $skuname = ”2016-datacenter” $vm = set-azurermvmoperatingsystem -vm $vm -windows -computername $vmname -credential $cred $vm = set-azurermvmsourceimage -vm $vm -publishername $pubname -offer $offername -skus $skuname -version "latest" $vm = add-azurermvmnetworkinterface -vm $vm -id $ # create new storage account new-azurermstorageaccount -resourcegroupname "myresourcegroup" -accountname "mystorageaccount" -location $location -skuname "standard_lrs" # disk setup $diskname = ”jason-disk” $storageaccount = "jasontest321" $sta = get-azurermstorageaccount -resourcegroupname $rgname -name $storageaccount $osdiskuri = $sta.primaryendpoints.blob.tostring() + "vhds/" + $diskname? + ".vhd" $vm = set-azurermvmosdisk -vm $vm -name $diskname -vhduri $osdiskuri -createoption fromimage # create virtual machine new-azurermvm -resourcegroupname myresourcegroup -location $location -vm $vm
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