angular - Ionic2: Send Submit form data to service -

i using ionic2, want send data form web service using post request, every time print form data found empty , service send me not received data. html code:

    <div class="login-box">     <form #registerform="ngform">         <ion-row>             <ion-col id="imagecontainer">                 <button (click)="upload()" ion-button>take pic & upload </button>             </ion-col>         </ion-row>         <ion-row>             <ion-col>                 <ion-list inset>                     <ion-item>                         <ion-label floating>{{ 'username' | translate }}</ion-label>                         <ion-input type="text" name="username" #username required></ion-input>                     </ion-item>                      <ion-item>                         <ion-label floating>{{ 'mobilenumber' | translate }}</ion-label>                         <ion-input type="text" name="mobile" #mobile required></ion-input>                     </ion-item>                      <ion-item>                         <ion-label floating>{{ 'emailaddress' | translate }}</ion-label>                         <ion-input type="email" name="email" #email required></ion-input>                     </ion-item>                      <ion-item>                         <ion-label floating>{{ 'password' | translate }}</ion-label>                         <ion-input type="password" name="password" #password required></ion-input>                     </ion-item>                      <ion-item>                         <ion-label floating>{{ 'confirmpassword' | translate }}</ion-label>                         <ion-input type="password" name="confirmpass" #confirmpass required></ion-input>                     </ion-item>                  </ion-list>             </ion-col>         </ion-row>          <ion-row>             <ion-col class="signup-col">                 <button ion-button class="submit-btn" (click)="signup(username.value,email.value,password.value,mobile.value,confirmpass.value)" full type="submit" [disabled]="!registerform.form.valid">sign up</button>                 <button ion-button class="register-btn" block clear (click)="login()">sign in</button>             </ion-col>         </ion-row>      </form> </div> 

the service method:

register(username,email,password,mobile,) {      let body = new formdata();     body.append('user_name',username);     body.append('email',email);     body.append('mobile',mobile);     body.append('password',password);     body.append('image','dsdsdsddsd');      console.log('body service: ',body);     let headers = new headers();     headers.append("content-type","application/formdata");      return,body,{headers:headers})     .map((response:response)=>response.json())   } 

the js:

signup(username,email,password,mobile,confirmpass) {  this.userservice.register(username,email,password,mobile) .subscribe(data=>{     console.log('register data service: ',data);   },   (err)=> console.log('error: ',err) ) } 

this received data service: object {result: array(0), status: object} result : array(0) status : object message : array(4) 0 : "the user name field required." 1 : "the email field required." 2 : "the mobile field required." 3 : "the password field required." length : 4

you have stringify data before send request use function

let body =  json.stringify(body)  return,body,{headers:headers})     .map((response:response)=>response.json()) 


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