r - XTS-File doesnt work for quantstrat -

i have created xts file out of csv file looks this:

                    open        high        low         close       volume       adjusted 2016-01-04 14:30:36 "4896,3818" "4896,4272" "4895,2363" "4895,8789" "         0" "0"      2016-01-04 14:31:56 "4892,3579" "4894,0259" "4891,752"  "4894,0259" "         0" "0"      2016-01-04 14:32:57 "4894,1753" "4899,2466" "4894,1753" "4898,8589" "         0" "0"      2016-01-04 14:33:59 "4899,2227" "4899,2227" "4894,8281" "4896,5469" "         0" "0"      2016-01-04 14:34:59 "4896,2915" "4896,418"  "4892,3838" "4893,4326" "         0" "0"      2016-01-04 14:35:59 "4893,1196" "4896,3301" "4893,1196" "4895,4341" "         0" "0"      

now want use package quantmod & quantstrat error comes

error in na.omit.xts(x) : unsupported type

what have change?

the problem decimal separator in "csv" file "," instead of ".". need specify in whatever function used import data. example, set dec = "," if you're using read.csv.

i provide more specific if provided more specific details file format , function used import it.


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