CSS is loaded but not applied via webpack -

i'm setting webpack extract .css , .scss files 1 large file done using extract-text-webpack-plugin. can see file correctly compiled , included html (created html-webpack-plugin). reason css not applied actual page.


entry: {     app: [         'react-fastclick',         './js/index.js',     ],      styles: './styles/global.scss' } 


rules: [     {         test: /\.scss$/,         use: extracttextplugin.extract({             fallback: 'style-loader',             use: [                 {                     loader: 'css-loader',                     options: {                         modules: true,                         localidentname: '[hash:base64:5]',                         minimize: true,                         sourcemap: true                     },                 },                 {                     loader: 'sass-loader',                     options: {                         outputstyle: 'collapsed',                         sourcemap: true,                         includepaths: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'src')]                     },                 },             ],             publicpath: '/dist'         })     }     // ... ] 


plugins: [     new htmlwebpackplugin({         title: 'wizer',         hash: false,         production: true,         minify: {             removecomments: true,             collapsewhitespace: true,             removeredundantattributes: true,             useshortdoctype: true,             removeemptyattributes: true,             removestylelinktypeattributes: true,             keepclosingslash: true,             minifyjs: true,             minifycss: true,             minifyurls: true         },         template: 'index.ejs',     }),      new extracttextplugin({         filename: '[name].[chunkhash].css',         disable: false,         allchunks: true     }),      // ... ] 

html output

<!doctype html> <html>  <head>     <link rel="preload" href="/app.f599f29bd646377f7788.js" as="script">     <link rel="preload" href="/styles.e3acd4dcb1836b477ae7.css" as="script">     <link rel="preload" href="/vendor.52867bd4bd63ce12d65a.js" as="script">     <link href="/styles.e3acd4dcb1836b477ae7.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head>  <body>     <div id="react_root"></div>     <script type="text/javascript" src="/vendor.52867bd4bd63ce12d65a.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src="/app.f599f29bd646377f7788.js"></script> </body>  </html> 

removing modules css-loader fixed me, creating locally scoped css.


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