c# - Cancel all tasks if application runs longer than x -

i want stop running tasks if application exceeds runtime. tokensource.cancel() being set tasks still running till end normally. guess due starting process runs batch within cmd / executable file. need kill process, can accomplish tpl, or different route beneficial? read thread.abort() seemed rather unpopular.

i starting background worker main window executes executedefault.

background worker = new backgroundworker(); worker.dowork += (o, ea) => { executedefault(worker, tokensource);}; 

within execute default access execute function osobject. neccassary tasks started within function. want cancel tasks if application running longer 350000ms.

private void executedefault(backgroundworker worker, cancellationtokensource tokensource) { ... random stuff osobject.runsystemcommands(outputpath, execpath, timeframe, tasks, worker, tokensource); ... random stuff task.waitall(tasks.toarray(), 350000); tokensource.cancel(); } 

within here start different processes. either batch execution \c logicaldisk or exe files handle.exe being executed.

aublic static void runsystemcommands(string outputpath, string execpath, int timeframe, list<task> tasks, backgroundowrker worker, cancellationtokensource tokensource) {     foreach(command activecommand in commands.systemcommands)     {         string keyname = activecommmand.name;         if (keyname == "foo")         {         task newtask = task.factory.startnew(() =>            {            executes.executebatch(outputfile, activecommand)            }, tokensource.token);          tasks.add(newtask);         }         else if (keyname == "bar")         {         ...         }     } } 

this how batch commands executed.

 public static void executebatch(string outputfile, command command, bool parse = false)     {         log.debugformat("executing task: {0} | name: {1} | command: {2}", task.currentid, command.name, command.execute);         log.info("executing task: " + command.name);         //create new process , write process start information         process p = new process();          system.diagnostics.processstartinfo startinfo = new system.diagnostics.processstartinfo();         startinfo.windowstyle = system.diagnostics.processwindowstyle.hidden;         startinfo.useshellexecute = false;         startinfo.filename = @"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe";         startinfo.standardoutputencoding = encoding.getencoding(850);         startinfo.redirectstandardoutput = true;         startinfo.redirectstandarderror = true;         startinfo.createnowindow = true;         startinfo.arguments = command.execute;         p.startinfo = startinfo;          string delimiter = new string('=', 80);         string output = "";         string erroroutput = "";          log.debugformat("task {0}: writing outputfile {1}", task.currentid, outputfile);         system.io.file.writealltext(outputfile, (command.execute.replace("/c ", "") + environment.newline));         system.io.file.appendalltext(outputfile, delimiter + environment.newline + environment.newline);           p.errordatareceived += (sender, eventargs) => {             erroroutput = "###erroroutput### "+ eventargs.data + environment.newline;              system.io.file.appendalltext(outputfile, erroroutput);          };          p.outputdatareceived += (sender, args) =>         {             if (args==null || args.data==null || args.data == "")                 return;              output =args.data+environment.newline;              if (parse == true)             {                 output = parser.parseoutput(command.name, output);             }              try             {                 system.io.file.appendalltext(outputfile, output);             }             catch (exception e)             {                  log.debug("could not write file. " + e.message);             }          };          p.start();         p.beginoutputreadline();          p.waitforexit(command.timeout)          log.debugformat("task: {3} | name: {4} | start: {0}, end: {1}, elapsed: {2}", p.starttime.tostring("hh:mm:ss.fff"), datetime.now.tostring("hh:mm:ss.fff"), (datetime.now.subtract(p.starttime)).totalmilliseconds, task.currentid, command.name);     } 


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