r - Shiny - how to reset/ refresh the form? -

how can refresh or reset ui/ form in shiny?

i have button in ui.r:

actionbutton("resetinput", "reset inputs") 

what should in server.r reset form?

observeevent(input$resetinput, {    // refresh or reset form       }) 

i tried answer, error:

warning: error in library: there no package called ‘shinyjs’ 

does package exist?

any better way of doing without installing new packages?

you should put


above server definition, missing in example referring to.


library(shinyjs) library(shiny) runapp(shinyapp(   ui = fluidpage(     shinyjs::useshinyjs(),     div(       id = "form",       textinput("text", "text", ""),       selectinput("select", "select", 1:5),       actionbutton("refresh", "refresh")     )   ),   server = function(input, output, session) {     observeevent(input$refresh, {       shinyjs::reset("form")     })   } )) 

i modify answer referring to include library call. hope helps!


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