bluetooth lowenergy - BLE iOS background advertising -

is there way "force" ios app (coded ble central) continue perform ble scanning in background if running in foreground? using rssi determine proximity , app must run in background , process rssi levels. note: may or may not know, rssi noisy , needs filtered using many samples possible accurate proximity. have tried connecting , disconnecting app to/from ble peripheral, using approach prevents peripheral advertising while connected the ios app. this, in effect, limits amount of advertising ble peripheral needed other nearby ios devices, ideally, prefer not use method. wish weigh in on question, have access modify or parts of advertising payload ble peripheral.

you cannot force ios app against apple's rules. if want continue scanning ble devices, app needs in foreground state.

alternatively, can monitor ble devices in background. whenever ble device gets close device, limited time scan devices - in background.

let beaconregion = clbeaconregion(proximityuuid: "some uuid", major: 1, minor: 1, identifier: "some identifier") locationmanager.startmonitoring(for: beaconregion) 

however, don't know if fits use case.


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