go - golang leveldb get snapshot error -

i leveldb's key-val map[string][]byte, not running expection. code below

package main import (     "fmt"     "strconv"     "github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb" ) func main() {     db, err := leveldb.openfile("db", nil)     if err != nil {         panic(err)     }     defer db.close()     := 0; < 10; i++ {         err := db.put([]byte("key"+strconv.itoa(i)), []byte("value"+strconv.itoa(i)), nil)         if err != nil {             panic(err)         }     }     snap, err := db.getsnapshot()     if err != nil {         panic(err)     }     if snap == nil {         panic("snap shot nil")     }     data := make(map[string][]byte)     iter := snap.newiterator(nil, nil)     iter.next() {         key := iter.key()         value := iter.value()         data[string(key)] = value     }     iter.release()     if iter.error() != nil {         panic(iter.error())     }     k, v := range data {         fmt.println(string(k) + ":" + string(v))     } } 

but result below key3:value9 key6:value9 key7:value9 key8:value9 key1:value9 key2:value9 key4:value9 key5:value9 key9:value9 key0:value9 rather not key0:value0

problem casting around types (byte[] string, etc.).

you trying print string values. avoid unnecessary casting apply following modifications:

  • change data initialization data := make(map[string]string)
  • assign values data `data[string(key)] = string(value) (by way, don't use capitalization variables aren't intend export)
  • print data's values fmt.println(k + ":" + v))

this should produce following result:

key0:value0 key1:value1 key7:value7 key2:value2 key3:value3 key4:value4 key5:value5 key6:value6 key8:value8 key9:value9 


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