c# - How to change WPF control bindings at runtime -

my form allows me add , edit record (at different times).

currently have save button commits changes database:

<page.datacontext>     <viewmodels:recordsviewmodel /> </page.datacontext>  <grid>     <button name="btnsave" content="save" comand="{binding addrecordcommand}" /> </grid> 

when click in datagrid edit record, record data fetched database , loaded form fields per allocated bindings.

unfortunately, doesn't change binding on save button, i've tried in code:

// datagrid edit button clicked private void btnedit_click(object sender, routedeventargs e) {     btnsave.setbinding(button.commandproperty, new binding     {         source = this.datacontext,         path = new propertypath("updaterecordcommand")     });     btnsave.commandparameter = new binding("id");      glist.visibility = visibility.collapsed;     gaddedit.visibility = visibility.visible; } 

this, unfortunately, not work , binding remains unchanged save new record database.

how can change button's binding it'll update record instead of adding new one?

if checking id!=0

private void btnedit_click(object sender, routedeventargs e) {     if (id != 0)     {         // update code - not touch binding         // should call code class,          // it's better separate out concerns within project.     }     else     {         // when there error - display message         // user. load specific page, reload page.     }  } 

the far better way manage user changing between adding or updating record have these 2 functions separated. program flow , ui. far better separate creation or edit functionality.

if need check if id exists , not - can load creation page.


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