javascript - Error-notice on blog-page from Content Aware Sidbars plugin -

i'm using genesis lifestyle pro child theme. url:

on blog-page showing posts excerpt see error-notice on top of header:

notice: array string conversion in /home/jungvita/public_html/test/wp-content/plugins/content-aware-sidebars/lib/wp-content-aware-engine/core.php on line 312

if use sidebar-plugin or not page error visible , needs fix. page should have standard primary sidebar. tried work without plugin page, , plugin setting "posts" page-type, without else definition.

here code of line 312 , 313:

$data = "({$id}.meta_value null or {$id}.meta_value in ('".implode("','",$data) ."'))";                                                           } 

edit: debug-plugin got notice:

notice: wp-content/plugins/content-aware-sidebars/lib/wp-content-aware-    engine/core.php:312 - array string conversion require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-includes/template-loader.php'), include('/themes/lifestyle-pro/home.php'), genesis, get_header, locate_template, load_template, require_once('/themes/lifestyle-pro/header.php'), do_action('genesis_meta'), wp_hook->do_action,wp_hook->apply_filters, blog_page_genesis_meta, is_active_sidebar, wp_get_sidebars_widgets, apply_filters('sidebars_widgets'), wp_hook->apply_filters, cas_sidebar_manager->replace_sidebar, wpcacore::get_posts, wpcacore::get_conditions, implode 

maybe helps?!

edit2: here complete code of section

// return cache if present

of "core.php" (plugin):

// return cache if present         if(isset(self::$condition_cache[$post_type])) {             return self::$condition_cache[$post_type];         }          $excluded = array();         $where = array();         $join = array();          $cache = array(             $post_type         );          $modules = self::$type_manager->get($post_type)->get_all();          foreach (self::$type_manager->get_all() $key => $type) {             if($key == $post_type) {                 continue;             }             if($type->get_all() === $modules) {                 $cache[] = $key;             }         }          foreach ($modules $module) {             $id = $module->get_id();             if(apply_filters("wpca/module/{$id}/in-context", $module->in_context())) {                 $join[$id] = apply_filters("wpca/module/{$id}/db-join", $module->db_join());                 $data = $module->get_context_data();                 if(is_array($data)) {                     $data = "({$id}.meta_value null or {$id}.meta_value in ('".implode("','",$data) ."'))";                 }                 $where[$id] = apply_filters("wpca/module/{$id}/db-where", $data);             } else {                 $excluded[] = $module;             }         } 

there no line-numbers,

if(is_array($data)) {                     $data = "({$id}.meta_value null or {$id}.meta_value in ('".implode("','",$data) ."'))";                 } 

these lines 311 313.

in this thread found solution:

mit einem @ kannst du normalerweise die fehlermeldungen ausschalten

i did putting @ before 'implode':

$data = "({$id}.meta_value null or {$id}.meta_value in ('".@implode("','",$data) ."'))"; } notice gone.


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