Display two different array return value in single table in codeigniter -

i want show return 2 array value in single table in view,i run first array value in table.


public function communication(){      $session_data = $this->session->userdata('admin_logged_in');     $id = $session_data['id'];          if ($this->session->userdata('admin_logged_in')) {         $data['get_all_mail'] = $this->admin_model->get_all_mails($id);         $data['get_out_mail'] = $this->admin_model->get_out_mails($id);                    $this->load->view('communication',$data);     } } 


function get_all_mails($id){     $query = $this->db->query("select * t_communication_posting find_in_set($id, replace(`to`, ', ', ',')) or find_in_set($id, replace(`cc`, ', ', ',')) or find_in_set($id, replace(`bcc`, ', ', ',')) <> 0");     return $query->result_array(); } 


                          <table id="mytable">                             <tbody>                                 <?php foreach ($get_all_mail                                    $get_all_mails) { ?>                                     <tr onclick="return get_mail_content(<?                     php echo $get_all_mails['m_id']; ?>)" id="target-list">                                                                              </td>                                                                                                      <td class="email-title" >                                     <?php echo $get_all_mails['from']; ?>                                 </td>                                 <td class="email-body" >                                     <?php echo $get_all_mails['subject'] ?>                                 </td>                                                                                                        </tr>                             <?php } ?>                             </tbody>                         </table> 

here want run second array value ($data['get_out_mail']) in above table on view page,how run 2 array value in single table.

you can add loop in view file.

<?php foreach ($get_all_mail $get_all_mails) {     ?>     <tr onclick="return get_mail_content(<?php echo $get_all_mails['m_id']; ?>)" id="target-list">                                              <td class="email-title" >             <?php echo $get_all_mails['from']; ?>         </td>         <td class="email-body" >             <?php echo $get_all_mails['subject'] ?>         </td>                                                                            </tr> <?php } ?>  <?php foreach ($get_out_mail $get_out_mails) {     ?>     <tr onclick="return get_mail_content(<?php echo $get_out_mails['m_id']; ?>)" id="target-list">                                              <td class="email-title" >             <?php echo $get_out_mails['from']; ?>         </td>         <td class="email-body" >             <?php echo $get_out_mails['subject'] ?>         </td>                                                                            </tr> <?php } ?> 

this you.


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