c++ - Gdiplus::Bitmap::FromHBITMAP memory leakage -

i call repeatedly code getting memory leakage:

ulong_ptr gdiplustoken; int screen_height; int screen_width;  cvcamstream::cvcamstream(hresult *phr, cvcam *pparent, lpcwstr ppinname) : csourcestream(lpcstr(filter_name),phr, pparent, ppinname), m_pparent(pparent) {     hdc = getdc(null);      gdiplus::gdiplusstartupinput gdiplusstartupinput;     ulong_ptr gdiplustoken;     gdiplusstartup(&gdiplustoken, &gdiplusstartupinput, null);      screen_height = getsystemmetrics(sm_cyvirtualscreen);     screen_width = getsystemmetrics(sm_cxvirtualscreen); }  cvcamstream::~cvcamstream() {     gdiplus::gdiplusshutdown(gdiplustoken);     deletedc(hdc); }   hresult cvcamstream::fillbuffer(imediasample *pms) {     reference_time rtnow;     reference_time avgframetime = ((videoinfoheader*)m_mt.pbformat)->avgtimeperframe;      static clock_t refclock = clock();     double elapsed = (clock() - refclock) / (double)clocks_per_sec;      rtnow = m_rtlasttime;     m_rtlasttime += avgframetime;     pms->settime(&rtnow, &m_rtlasttime);     pms->setsyncpoint(true);      hdc memdc = createcompatibledc(null);      cimage image;     image.create(screen_width, screen_height, 24);     selectobject(memdc, image);      byte *pdata;     pms->getpointer(&pdata);     long ldatalen = pms->getsize();      gdiplus::bitmap *bitmap = new gdiplus::bitmap(screen_width, screen_height, pixelformat24bpprgb);      bitblt(memdc, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height, hdc, 0, 0, srccopy);     deletedc(memdc);      // memdc deleted     bitmap->fromhbitmap(image, null);      delete bitmap;     image.destroy();     deleteobject(image);     deletedc(memdc);      return noerror; }  

but every time ram usage increases. offending line fromhbitmap() function because commenting there no more leakage.

i know fromhbitmap() creates copy of bitmap thought free memories!

what's wrong here?

fromhbitmap not take ownership of passed bitmap handle. can pass bitmap handle still owned cimage instance. according msdn:

do not pass bitmap::fromhbitmap method gdi bitmap or gdi palette (or previously) selected device context.

and calling while image still selected memdc.


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