javascript - Ajax function: data fields with multiple value -

i have doubt data fields of ajax function.

usually, have syntax ajax function may be:

$.ajax({         url: "/aaa/bbb/ccc",         method: "somemethod",         data: somedata,         success: function (response) {             } 

my question is: in data fields, can put more 1 data? in other words, can pass from:

data: somedata, 


data: data1, data2, data3... 

and on?

here how can build multiple params, hold them in object , send them json.stringify():

var paramstosend = {}; paramstosend['data1'] = 'data1'; paramstosend['data2'] = 'data2'; $.ajax({     ...     data: {params:json.stringify(paramstosend)},     ... }); 


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