Spring Boot & Stomp, random client disconnecting -

i have spring boot websocket server application , stomp client connected to. have 1 client connected server , needs connected (one week , more) session lifetime. notice random ws connection interrruption or "freeze". after each interruption need reset client , reconnect server manually. didn't notice physical internet interruption etc.

can on code , give me advices if: -anything wrong? -did miss , reasone of random interruptions?

websocket server


@configuration @enablewebsocketmessagebroker public class websocketconfig extends abstractwebsocketmessagebrokerconfigurer {    public static final string ws_commands_main_queue = "/topic";    @override   public void configuremessagebroker(messagebrokerregistry config) {       config.enablesimplebroker(ws_commands_main_queue);       config.setapplicationdestinationprefixes("/app");    }    @override   public void registerstompendpoints(stompendpointregistry registry) {       registry.addendpoint("/ws-commands-broadcaster")               .withsockjs();   } } 

rest api sends requests ws client

@restcontroller @requestmapping(websocketcommandservice.ws_command_service) public class websocketcommandservice extends genericcontroller {    public static final string ws_command_service = "ws-command-service";   public static final string ws_commands_queue = ws_commands_main_queue + "/ws-commands-queue";    private static final logger logger = logger.getlogger(websocketcommandservice.class);    private simpmessagingtemplate wstemplate;   private syncapimanager syncapimanager;    @autowired   public websocketcommandservice(simpmessagingtemplate wstemplate,                                  syncapimanager syncapimanager) {       this.wstemplate = wstemplate;       this.syncapimanager = syncapimanager;   }    @getmapping(value = "/{houseid}/{commandtype}")   @messagemapping(ws_command_service)   public void broadcastnewcommand(@pathvariable integer houseid,                                 @pathvariable commandtype commandtype) {       logger.info("broadcasting command: " + commandtype.name() + " websocket clients houseid=" + houseid);        commanddto newcommand = new commanddto(houseid, commandtype);       syncapimanager.updatestartsynctime(houseid, commandtype);        wstemplate.convertandsend(ws_commands_queue, jsonutil.tojson(newcommand));   } } 

client configuration

@component public class websocketcommandlistener {  private static final long ten_seconds = 10 * 1000; //10sec private static final logger logger = logger.getlogger(websocketcommandlistener.class); private static final string ws_endpoint_name = "ws-commands-broadcaster"; private static final string ws_commands_queue = "/topic/ws-commands-queue";  @value("${server.api.address}") private string serverapiaddress;  @value("${server.api.suffix}") private string serverapisuffix;  private commanddispatcher commanddispatcher; private websocketstompclient stompclient; private stompsession stompsession;  private final taskscheduler defaultheartbeat; private final timer reconnecttimer;  @autowired public websocketcommandlistener(commanddispatcher commanddispatcher) {     this.commanddispatcher = commanddispatcher;     this.defaultheartbeat = new threadpooltaskscheduler();     this.reconnecttimer = new timer("reconnecttimer"); }  @postconstruct public void setupwebsockethandler() {     createclient();     doconnect(); }  private void createclient() {     transport websockettransport = new websockettransport(new standardwebsocketclient());     list<transport> transports = collections.singletonlist(websockettransport);      sockjsclient sockjsclient = new sockjsclient(transports);     sockjsclient.setmessagecodec(new jackson2sockjsmessagecodec());      stompclient = new websocketstompclient(sockjsclient); }  private void disconnect() {     if (stompsession != null) {         stompsession.disconnect();         stompsession = null;     }      if (stompclient != null) {         stompclient.stop();         stompclient = null;     } }  private void reconnect() {     disconnect();     createclient();     doconnect(); }  private void doconnect() {     final string wsuri = getwebsocketendpointaddr();      listenablefuture<stompsession> future = stompclient.connect(wsuri, new stompsessionhandleradapter() {         @override         public void handletransporterror(stompsession session, throwable exception) {             if (exception instanceof connectionlostexception) {                 reconnect();             }         }     });     future.addcallback(         newstompsession -> {             stompsession = newstompsession;             registercommandhandler(stompsession);         },         (throwable throwable) -> {             reconnectwebsocket(ten_seconds);         }     ); }  private void registercommandhandler(stompsession stompsession) {     stompsession.subscribe(ws_commands_queue, new stompframehandler() {          public type getpayloadtype(stompheaders stompheaders) {             return byte[].class;         }          public void handleframe(stompheaders stompheaders, object requestbody) {             string commandasjson = new string((byte[]) requestbody);             commanddto commandtype = jsonutil.fromjson(commandasjson, commanddto.class);              logger.info("received websocket command: " + commandtype.tostring());             commanddispatcher.dispatch(commandtype);         }     }); }  private void reconnectwebsocket(final long reconnectdelay) {     reconnecttimer.schedule(new timertask() {         @override         public void run() {             reconnect();         }     }, reconnectdelay); }  private string getwebsocketendpointaddr() {     return string.format("ws://%s:%s/%s", serverapiaddress, serverapisuffix, ws_endpoint_name); } } 


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