excel - Convert UTF-8 to ANSI using VBA -

i have vba excel code takes japanese data excel sheet compares japanese data in text file , replaces japanese words english words. supposed able on utf-8 text file. code replaces japanese words weird characters. how save without issue ?

open sfilename input ifilenum  n = 1 lnglastcell label5.caption = n & "/" & lnglastcell searchtext = mysearch(n) valuetext = mytext(n)  eplccount = 0 spltcount = 0  searchpart = array(searchtext) valuepart = array(valuetext)  until eof(ifilenum) line input #ifilenum, sbuf stemp = stemp & sbuf & vbcrlf  loop   close ifilenum  stemp = replace(stemp, searchtext, valuetext)  'ifilenum = freefile open sfilename output ifilenum print #ifilenum, stemp  next n  

code works ansi characters.

the open function vba works on ansi encoded files , binary. if wish read/write utf-8 file, you'll have find way.

the utf-8 encoding has larger set of characters ansi, it's not possible convert ansi utf-8 without loss. said, string in excel , vba stored utf-16 (vba editor still use ansi), need convert utf-8 utf-16.

with adodb.stream :

public function readfile(path string, optional charset string = "utf-8")   static obj object   if obj nothing set obj = vba.createobject("adodb.stream")   obj.charset = charset   obj.open   obj.loadfromfile path   readfile = obj.readtext()   obj.close end function  public sub writefile(path string, text string, optional charset string = "utf-8")   static obj object   if obj nothing set stream = vba.createobject("adodb.stream")   obj.charset = charset   obj.open   obj.writetext text   obj.savetofile path   obj.close end sub 


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