node.js - Uncaught TypeError: useValue,useFactory,data is not iterable! Angular 4 cli project error -

i new angular 4 , have created project angular cli , error

uncaught typeerror: usevalue,usefactory,data not iterable!  

enter image description here

i unable resolve it. installed , reinstalled cli , want know how can resolve it. did

ng new myprj   mkdir myprj   ng serve 

i fixed problem adding es6-shim script tag in index.html file:

< script > src="‌​es6-shim.min.js">< /s‌​cript >

i running same issue when running ng test during travis deployment, though executed without error locally.

chromium 37.0.2062 (ubuntu 0.0.0) error uncaught typeerror: usevalue,usefactory,data not iterable! @ http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/polyfills.bundle.js:830 


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