Ansible multiple condition not working -

ansible version:


[master] [slaves]


 - name: checking if node having spark master installed (master)    stat:      path: /etc/init.d/spark-master      register: spark-master    when: inventory_hostname in groups['master']  - name: checking if node having spark worker installed    stat:      path: /etc/init.d/spark-slave      register: spark-slave    when: inventory_hostname in groups['slaves']    # downloading master  - include: download.yaml    when: (inventory_hostname in groups['master']) , ( spark-master.stat.exists == false)   # downloading slaves  - include: download.yaml    when: (inventory_hostname in groups['slaves']) , ( spark-slave.stat.exists == false ) 

but when execute script receiving following errors:

 fatal: []: failed! => {"failed": true, "msg": "the conditional check '(inventory_hostname in groups['slaves']) , ( spark-slave.stat.exists == false )' failed. error was: error while evaluating conditional ((inventory_hostname in groups['slaves']) , ( spark-slave.stat.exists == false )): 'slave' undefined\n\nthe error appears have been in '/opt/ansible-role-spark/tasks/download.yaml': line 2, column 3, may\nbe elsewhere in file depending on exact syntax problem.\n\nthe offending line appears be:\n\n---\n- name: download spark\n  ^ here\n"} 

can me in figuring mistake committing.

either quote condition, like:

when: "(inventory_hostname in groups['master']) , ( spark-master.stat.exists == false)" 

or don't use parentheses.


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