python - Facing obstacle to install pyodbc and pymssql in ubuntu 16.04 -

i want install pyodbc connection mssql server using sqlalchemy googling , tried in several ways

pip install pyodbc 

followed link pyodbc installation error on ubuntu 16.04 sql server installed have not solved below type error thrown

src/pyodbc.h:56:17: fatal error: sql.h: no such file or directory   compilation terminated.   error: command 'gcc' failed exit status 1    ----------------------------------------   failed building wheel pyodbc 

for pyodbc case used command

sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev pip install pyodbc 

and able success pyodbc installation facing comment problem (not able push data mssql server)

for pymssql used command

sudo apt-get install freetds-dev pip install pymssql 

then able success pymssql installation , data insert mssql server


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